This article has been updated with Pacific Power changing the time for a possible shutoff for Lincoln County to 10 a.m. Friday. Pacific Power officials said it was still a “last resort” option.
Pacific Power issued a warning Wednesday alerting the public to a possible shutoff due to forecasted high winds during “extreme wildfire conditions.”
Lincoln City was among a list of communities that could experience a “public safety power shutoff” around 10 a.m. Friday morning through late Saturday night.
“Our advanced weather modeling is indicating a potential for dangerous fire weather conditions,” Pacific Power Meteorology Manager Steve Vanderburg said. “We’re gaining an understanding of the impacts to our system this specific weather event could bring, and have issued Public Safety Power Shutoff notices to several Pacific Power communities.”
From a Pacific Power news release:
A Public Safety Power Shutoff is a proactive effort to reduce wildfire risk during hazardous fire weather conditions, including extremely low humidity, dry vegetation, elevated levels on key weather indexes and sustained winds and gusts. Current forecasts indicate conditions for a Public Safety Power Shutoff could be met around 10 a.m. Friday morning. The power shutoff could last late into Saturday evening.
Pacific Power sees the move as being proactive and an effort to reduce the risk of a possible wildfire. Power crews will actively patrol and remove debris from lines and make repairs as needed.
The Echo Mountain Wildfire that struck in 2020 had similar conditions prior, but the winds predicted Friday and Saturday are not as high and officials will be using the shutoff as a last resort.
Residents can find information on how to protect their homes and what supplies they should have on hand at Pacific Power’s website.
For all non-emergency questions about the Public Safety Power Shutoff, customers and the public should call Pacific Power at 1-888-221-7070.
Thank you for posting this site. It is very important to know what is going on with our electricity and being shut down or not. It seems the other sites don’t care. We are so lucky so far. Just parking your car in tall weeds and starting it up can cause a fire. Be careful out there.
It is hot out, not all that windy though. We were lucky last time and
did add some items to the home survival menu. A generator, a tv
antennae, yes, if you remember correctly, there was no news,
no radio updates, unless you call regular programming informative.
I find it makes little difference in knowing, be prepared in the
first place and worry less.