Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Siletz Tribe giving surpasses $16 million since 2001

Siletz Tribal

The Siletz Tribal Charitable Contribution Fund distributed more than $180,000 to 57 organizations earlier this month as it continues its quarterly giving to nonprofit groups that now exceeds $16 million in overall donations since 2001.

The Siletz Tribe has made contributions through employment, monetary donations and cooperative measures to the Siletz community, Lincoln County and the state of Oregon. The seven-member Charitable Fund Advisory Board has distributed more than $12.3 million since its inception 17 years ago, while $16.1 million has been granted through the charitable fund and other Tribal resources.

Chinook Winds has donated more than $6.5 million in cash and fund-raising items since it opened in 1995. The casino also provides in-kind donations of convention space for various fund-raisers, as well as technical support, advertising and manpower for many events.

The next deadline to submit applications is March 4. Eligibility for money from the charitable fund is limited to two categories:

  • Entities and activities located in the Siletz Tribe’s 11-county service area (Lincoln, Tillamook, Linn, Lane, Benton, Polk, Yamhill, Marion, Multnomah, Washington and Clackamas counties)
  • Native American entities and activities located anywhere in the United States

Applications and requirements can be obtained at ctsi.nsn.us/charitable-contribution-fund; by calling 800-922-1399, ext. 1227, or 541-444-8227; or by mailing Siletz Tribal Charitable Contribution Fund, P.O. Box 549, Siletz, OR 97380-0549. Applications can be submitted via e-mail at stccf@live.com.

Arts – $12,400

Sitka Center for Art and Ecology – equipment for and production of 3-D video experience for Sitka Art Invitational; Otis, OR; $4,900

Yaquina Art Association – replace roof on 104-year-old art association building; Newport, OR; $7,500

Cultural Activities – $1,000

Oregon State Correctional Institution NAPA – regalia material, giveaway items, books, CDs, and feather and beading supplies; Salem, OR; $1,000

Education – $38,606.63

Bridgeway House – active sensory panels for autism classrooms; Eugene, OR; $1,818

Eugene Science Center – scientific instruments for monitoring and improving water quality and aquatic habitats; Eugene, OR; $5,000

Friends of the Lebanon Library – books for summer 2019 reading program; Lebanon, OR; $1,200

Lakota Waldorf School – materials and supplies for Lakota language and culture enrichment activities; Kyle, S.D.; $5,064

Newport Middle School – 3-D printer for robotics and STEM projects; Newport, OR; $2,500

Newport High School – set of Plants of the Pacific NW field guides; Newport, OR; $900

Oregon Coast Aquarium – support new changing exhibit The Argonaut: A SteamPunk Powered Undersea Adventure; Newport, OR; $5,000

Oregon Coast Community College, Library – 30 Chromebooks plus education licenses for checkout to classrooms, events and students during library hours; Newport, OR; $5,429.48

Philomath School District – banners and posters for Inspired Day to promote positive student choices; Philomath, OR; $1,176

Salem-Keizer Public Schools, Indian Education – culturally based graduation celebration and meal for American Indian students, families and community; Salem, OR; $2,000

Sweet Home Public Library – collection of VOX books with audio that narrate stories to child readers; Sweet Home, OR; $1,519.15

The Shadow Project – books and materials for special education reading engagement in low-income Portland and Yamhill County schools; Portland, OR; $7,000

Environment & Natural Resource Preservation – $9,394.65

Salmon Drift Creek Watershed Council – lab equipment and labware to study ocean acidification and water quality; Neotsu, OR; $6,298.65

Yamhill Soil & Water Conservation District – panels and materials for interpretive and educational signage for Miller Woods; McMinnville, OR; $3,096

Health – $40,196.97

Alsea Valley Gleaners – freeze drier to preserve gleaned foods and meats; Alsea, OR; $3,316.97

Alsea Valley Gleaners – food for community food pantry; Alsea, OR; $2,000

Canyon Gleaners – food for community food pantry; Mill City, OR; $2,000

Fish of Lebanon – food for community food pantry; Lebanon, OR; $2,000

Florence Food Share – food for community food pantry; Florence, OR; $4,000

Good Samaritan Hospital Foundation – patient and family lodging for Lincoln County residents at Mario Pastega House; Corvallis, OR; $6,000

Harrisburg Harvesters Gleaners – food for community food pantry; Harrisburg, OR; $2,000

Janus Youth Programs – oatmeal, bowls and utensils for Oatmeal for Kids project; Portland, OR; $2,100

Lebanon Gleaners – food for community food pantry; Lebanon, OR; $2,000

Mapleton Food Share – food for community food pantry; Mapleton, OR; $2,000

Marion-Polk Food Share – vacuum seeder, propagation trays and cultivation equipment for youth farm and garden program; Salem, OR; $1,880

Marys River Gleaners – food for community food pantry; Corvallis, OR; $2,000

North End Senior Solutions – food and supplies for nutritional meals and activities for adult day services; Otis, OR; $2,400

Oregon Cascades West Council of Government, Senior Companion Program – mileage reimbursement for senior companions assisting homebound elders; Toledo, OR; $2,500

South Benton County Gleaners – food for community food pantry; Monroe, OR; $2,000

Willamette Valley Gleaners – food for community food pantry; Corvallis, OR; $2,000

Historical Preservation – $11,319.48

North Lincoln County Historical Museum – digital camera, computer, scanner and external hard drive to digitize museum’s collection; Lincoln City, OR; $1,451.98

Oregon Retired Educators Association, Unit 39 – repair dry rot and replace windows of historic one-room Criterion schoolhouse at state fairgrounds; Portland, OR; $6,100

Yaquina Pacific Railroad Historical Society – lumber and supplies to build and install four-car railroad play structure at railroad museum; Toledo, OR; $3,767.50

Prevention – $30,963

Beaverton High School, Grad Night Committee – alcohol- and drug-free graduation celebration; Portland, OR; $500

Boys & Girls Club of Corvallis – support purchase and installation of outdoor playground; Corvallis, OR; $2,500

CASA of Linn County – capacity building to recruit and train 16 new volunteers; Albany, OR; $2,000

Chess for Success – after-school chess classes and activities; Portland, OR; $5,000

Clackamas Women’s Services – gas cards for Promontoras to enhance domestic and sexual violence prevention outreach; Oregon City, OR; $5,400

Lincoln City Parks and Recreation – outdoor soccer goals and equipment for new youth soccer league; Lincoln City, OR; $5,140

Nestucca High School, Softball – catcher’s equipment and game bats; Cloverdale, OR; $1,000

Oregon Titans Fastpitch – helmets and uniforms for girls age 9-18 softball team; Independence, OR; $558

Partnership Against Alcohol and Drug Abuse – training and conference for Siletz Valley Schools and Eddyville Charter School students; Newport, OR; $1,950

Silverton Together Inc. – snacks and supplies for parent education workshops; Silverton, OR; $1,410

Sprague High School, National Honor Society – replace stoles and cords worn during graduation; Salem, OR; $500

Tillamook High School, Baseball – match NIKE gift of $5,000 for uniforms and hats; Tillamook, OR; $5,005

Public Safety – $11,998

East Lincoln County Emergency Responders – supplies and instructor fee for emergency medical responder and CPR training; Toledo, OR; $3,398

Siletz Valley Fire District – operational costs for workers’ comp, employee assistance program, accidental death and dismemberment insurance, and life insurance; Siletz, OR; $8,600

Other – $24,263.16

Central Coast Humane Society – support reduced cost of veterinary dental care for cats and dogs; Newport, OR; $2,000

Christmas Storybook Land – replace 10 tires on semi-trailers used to transport and store storyland displays; Albany, OR; $1,158.16

Cornerstone Associates Inc. – fire fighting skid for lawn and garden maintenance business staffed by adults with disabilities; Corvallis, OR; $3,950

Greater Toledo Pool Recreation District – master plan tools, including architectural illustrations, 3-D models, posters and brochures; Toledo, OR; $7,200

Kilchis-Tillamook VFW Post 2848 – supplies, materials, printing and breakfast foods for Veterans Tribute on Veterans Day; Bay City, OR; $1,500

North Lincoln Eagles #2576 – Christmas holiday food baskets, plus gifts for children; Lincoln City, OR; $6,000

Northwest Indian Veterans Association – rental fee, buffet meal and gifts for honoring veterans in the community; Portland, OR; $2,455

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