Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Sixth Lincoln County resident tests positive for COVID-19

Covid-19 Lincoln County

Lincoln County Public Health announced today another positive case of COVID-19. The new case brings Lincoln County’s total to 6 confirmed cases.

Lincoln County is in close coordination with Oregon Health Authority (OHA) about these cases. Test results are now coming from multiple laboratories and are delivered electronically to providers, counties, and OHA throughout the day. As a result, some counties may release county data sooner than it is reported on the Oregon Health Authority website.  www.healthoregon.org/coronavirus .

This individual is in their 80s. The test was performed as a routine test prior to an outpatient procedure appointment. The individual has been sheltering in place since the Governor’s stay home orders with minimal trips outside of their residence, which means this case is community acquired. The person is not hospitalized and is self-isolating per Public Health guidelines.

“During the last week we have seen in increase in testing for anyone one with symptoms, and also for those who will have outpatient procedures.” said Nicole Fields, Deputy Director of Public Health. “We expect to see more positive cases and are prepared to do contact tracing.  This person is asymptomatic and did not have any known contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case.  As we look towards slowly reopening, it is important to remember that the virus is still in our community, and that we must continue to physically distance, protect others with cloth face coverings whenever possible, and wash our hands frequently.”

The best way to protect yourself is to stay home and avoid exposure to the virus. There are easy steps you can take to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and many types of illness – including the flu – especially to older adults and those with underlying chronic diseases:

  • Cover your coughs and sneezes with a tissue and then throw the tissue in the trash. Wash your hands immediately after. Or, cough into your upper arm.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for 20 seconds. If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.
  • Maintain at least 6 feet of space between yourself and others.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Clean and disinfect surfaces that are often touched.
  • Wear a cloth facemask when you go out in public.
  • Follow the governor’s orders on social distancing.
  • Follow CDC’s travel guidance.

You can find more information at www.co.lincoln.or.us/covid

Stay informed

News Release
News Release
This information was provided for dissemination to our readers via an outside agency.


  1. As a resident of Lincoln county, Lincoln City to be exact, I am saddened to hear of another case of virus. However, every day I see more vacation home OWNERS coming to visit. They bring the risk of more exposure to the coastal residents. Usually the first thing they do is head to the grocery. They rarely wear a mask. For a group who are not even suppossed to be here( recommendation and courtesy, the law apparently says we can’t keep owners from their lawful property) they have very little concern for those who live here. We have very limited medical facilities and in Lincoln City we have a large retirement population. We are a high risk group. If there is an “outbreak” things will get very bad very fast. I support staying home. I think vacation home owners should be given covid tests before they can enter our towns. Stay safe, wear a mask if you have to go into a building, keep your distance and wash your hands. Thanks for reading.

  2. Lincoln City Vacation Home OWNERS have every right to be here. Get over it.
    I live in Lincoln City more than 50% of the time( it’s referred to as my second home). I’m retired and very happy here. I pay my taxes and take good care of my family.
    Who are you to interfere with my rights.
    Fortunately you don’t control my life.


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