Oregon now has a total of 19 people who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 since Feb. 28 after the Oregon Health Authority announced four new presumptive positive cases of the novel coronavirus today.
Oregon Health Authority officials will begin issuing updates on persons under monitoring and persons under investigation for the novel coronavirus, COVID-19.
InterCommunity Health Network Coordinated Care Organization received notice from the Oregon Health Authority of its intent to award the organization with a new contract to continue as the Coordinated Care Organization for Benton, Lincoln and Linn counties from 2020 through 2024.
Easter planning is in full force as many families prepare to celebrate the holiday this weekend. Going to events that offer chicks and ducklings for petting might be on the itinerary, but health experts say people may want to think twice before taking home one of these Easter-themed animals.
An online mapping tool is available to help communities in Oregon assess factors among adolescents that can lead to risky sexual practices and increase the risk of sexual violence.
Oregon Health Authority hopes to help Oregonians avoid sickness this holiday season by sharing prevention messages through Salmonella, a parody Twitter account personifying the salmonella bacteria.
On October 15 the Oregon Health Policy Board (OHPB) voted to approve a comprehensive set of policies that will improve the health of Oregon Health Plan