And despite warnings from posted signs and verbal cautions from passers by people still wandered onto the beaches without a moments hesitancy.
"I don't want to see anyone hurt, "said an onlooker at the D River wayside which was packed with sightseers, "but they sure would deserve it if they did."
“Shore Acres has special underwater topography that can create huge waves if conditions are right so we are hopeful with it being winter and king tides, we’ll see some action.”
National Weather Service Portland issued a Beach Hazards Statement for the Central Oregon Coast calling for an increased chance of sneaker waves for Saturday and Sunday.
National Weather Service Portland issued a Beach Hazards Statement for possible sneaker waves through Friday morning due to a pair of storm systems from the Gulf of Alaska.
National Weather Service Portland issued a "high surf advisory" early Saturday morning for the northern and central Oregon Coast calling for destructive surf and sneaker waves Sunday into Monday.