Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Baldwin to run for Lincoln County Judge

Russ Baldwin
Russ Baldwin

Lincoln City lawyer Russ Baldwin filed to run for Lincoln County Circuit Court judge Wednesday, opposing the incumbent, Sheryl Bachart.

Baldwin said he is running to bring more justice to Lincoln County’s citizens and brings 30 years of court experience as a civil litigation attorney, both at trial and on appeal.

“It is rare that voters get the opportunity to vote for their local judge, as they are typically appointed by the governor and usually no one challenges the incumbent,” Baldwin said.

Baldwin ran against longtime Circuit Court Judge Thomas Branford in the 2018 primary election, garnering 4661 votes to Branford’s 8206.

“Judges seldom explain their decisions or rulings to litigants in most cases,” Baldwin said. “As judge, I would listen carefully to the concerns of both parties, and give findings of facts and conclusions of law so that all parties are fully informed as to the ruling by the court. Being transparent is one of the ways to increase trust in the judiciary. Currently, this is not typically done in Lincoln County.”

Baldwin’s campaign will focus on clearing the civil docket and providing timely hearings and decisions.

The District 17, Position 1 seat will be on the ballot in May.

Justin Werner
Justin Werner
Justin Werner is the founder and editor of the Lincoln City Homepage, a trusted source of local news and information for residents and visitors of Lincoln City, Oregon. He is also a community leader, entrepreneur, and dedicated advocate for transparency and accountability in local government.


  1. Baldwin is incompetent. He doesn’t care about your rights or the law. I know more about the law than Baldwin. Branford is incompetent and corrupt. So I vote, none of the above.

  2. I remember when I graciously referred Russ Baldwin to help you Allen. He listened to your woes respectfully but he could not help you in the way “you wanted.” He never charged you and gave you free sound legal advice. You were quite upset and frustrated about a ruling you got from the Court as you had represented yourself, pro se. I believe you were not served well by the court as a result. Your approach was the court did not accept your facts, and legal cases you cited as well as your “sovereign status” so therefore, the court and anyone associated with our current legal systrem are just plain wrong as those laws don’t apply to you. I have found it helps to hire an honest attorney and Russ Baldwin is that. Honest, ethical and fair and your comments towards him are unwarranted and unfair in my opinion.

  3. Voting for Russ Baldwin puts a solid judge on the bench instead of a government appointed incumbent. He knows the law, applies the law, and your vote for Russ Baldwin is needed for Lincoln County’s circuit court. I have first hand experience observing his integrity, honesty, and perseverance in his legal work on behalf of people with profound disabilities which has given a voice to them that otherwise would be silent. A vote for Russ Baldwin is a vote for the voice of the people in Lincoln County. I hope your voice will be heard.


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