Coast Guard personnel recovered the body of 58-year-old Kiwanda captain Hoang Minh Tran Tuesday morning near Newport’s jetty. He was wearing a flotation device.
A Clackamas resident and counselor at Franklin High School in Portland, Tran was lost at sea since Sept. 28 after family said he went to Newport for his usual sailing trip.
The Kiwanda was last sighted by a bar tower watchstander at Coast Guard Station Yaquina Bay at approximately 7 p.m. Saturday in the vicinity of Cape Foulweather, with a northerly heading.
Debris confirmed to belong to the Kiwanda were found by U.S. Coast Guard searchers Sunday near Whale Cove, south of Depoe Bay.
Tran is survived by his wife and two children.
Previous coverage:
Coast Guard calls off search for sailing vessel Kiwanda Captain