Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Lincoln City Parks & Rec to build nature play area with $30,000 grant

A $30,000 grant from the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) and The Walt Disney Company will allow Lincoln City Parks and Recreation to build a Nature Play Space at SE 3rd Street and Keel Avenue.

Lincoln City Disney Grant

Lincoln City Parks and Rec is the first such agency in Oregon to be chosen for the grant program, which will allow it to build a Nature Play Space, including a “Story Circle” with trails, to provide kids and families with greater access to recreation.


“We are thrilled to have the support of NRPA and The Walt Disney Company in building our first Nature Play area in Lincoln City,” Parks and Recreation Director Jeanne Sprague said. “We hope to incorporate many park amenities into our new park, and this is the first step in the right direction.”

As part of the national “Meet Me at the Park Play Spaces” grant program, park and recreation agencies across the country shared their ideas on increasing access to play spaces for children and families in their communities. Agencies with the most innovative and impactful ideas received $30,000 grants to build their projects.

“NRPA is proud to collaborate with The Walt Disney Company to help more children and families experience the benefits of play,” Kellie May, NRPA vice president of programs, said. “By increasing access to play spaces, this program will also provide unique activities tailored to the local community that support healthy lifestyles.”

For more information about Lincoln City Parks and Recreation, visit lincityoregon.org/parksandrec.

To learn more about Meet Me at the Park, visit www.nrpa.org/meetmeatthepark.

Homepage Staff
Homepage Staffhttps://lincolncityhomepage.com/
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