Friday, March 28, 2025

Motorists reminded to move over for stopped emergency vehicles

Move Over its the law

Every day, law enforcement officers and emergency workers put their lives on the line to save ours. Even a routine traffic stop has become risky business. The following information comes from the Oregon Department of Transportation:

In the last 10 years, more than 700 officers have been killed in traffic incidents. In many of those cases, the officers were pulled over on the side of the road when inattentive drivers crashed into them at high speeds. That’s why there’s a strict law in Oregon designed to protect the people we depend on to protect us.

The Move Over Law (ORS 811.147) states that if you are approaching any type of emergency vehicle, tow truck or roadside assistance vehicle which is stopped on the roadside with emergency lights activated, you must:

  • MOVE OVER into another available lane.
  • If you can’t safely change lanes, SLOW DOWN to a speed that is at least 5 mph below the posted or designated speed of the roadway.
  • In all cases, the driver must try to provide as much room as possible for the emergency vehicle, tow truck or roadside assistance vehicle.

The Move Over Law is in place to help protect law enforcement officers, emergency workers, tow operators and those who routinely provide assistance to motorists along the highways. This group of dedicated professionals face a deadly threat on a daily basis: speeding and inattentive drivers. But the law also exists to protect you. The flashing lights are your cue to move over and slow down.

If you are approaching the scene of a crash, carefully watch for emergency workers directing traffic and follow all of their instructions.

For more information and tips, visit our website at and Like us on Facebook at Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office – Oregon.

News Release
News Release
This information was provided for dissemination to our readers via an outside agency.


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