Friday, March 28, 2025

Spectacular turnout for ‘Spooky’ Halloween

Spooky Spectacular

Half of Lincoln City turned out for Spooky Spectacular at the Lincoln City Outlets Monday night, getting candy and compliments on their rain spattered costumes.

The event was put on by Kiwanis and many of Lincoln City’s smaller citizens were moving around the parking garage gazing in awe at animated decorations. Almost everyone dressed up as evidenced by soldiers, ninjas, fairies and LED suit people roaming the structure.

Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Lori Arce-Torres said it was nice to have people walking through after two consecutive years of drive-thru events.

Spooky Spectacular 2

Most people witnessed by this reporter were smiling or eating candy, with the occasional family saying hi to each other. More than a few mentioned how nice it was to be in-person for Halloween this year. A few smaller kids were terrified of a couple costumes and exhibits, but that was rare.

Some children were obviously suffering from sugar highs as they were speaking rapidly, pulling things apart, and going from standing to running in less than a second.

It was a packed house, but orderly lines formed and moved semi-briskly.

One third grader, who wished to remain anonymous for fear of reprisal from ghosts, said she had an excellent time and would be coming back next year. She also promised not to eat all her candy in one sitting.

“I have school tomorrow,” she said. “I’ll eat the rest after school tomorrow.”

Justin Werner
Justin Werner
Justin Werner is the founder and editor of the Lincoln City Homepage, a trusted source of local news and information for residents and visitors of Lincoln City, Oregon. He is also a community leader, entrepreneur, and dedicated advocate for transparency and accountability in local government.


  1. We live in Cutler City, we had a lot of kids. Ran out of candy around 7 they started coming around 5 and did not stop. My husband and I are older but we enjoyed the way kids dressed and all were very respectful. Our kids are grown but they still enjoy dressing up.

  2. It depends where you live too, we live next to a short term rental wasteland, sometimes we don’t even get mail because USPS doesn’t deliver to HOA subdivisions.


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