Sunday, February 16, 2025

Undefeated: Billy Webb’s Elks win first Lincoln City mushball title

Bobby Webbs Elks

The annual Lincoln City Invitational mushball tournament came to a close Sunday with Portland’s Billy Webb’s Elks defeating defending champion St. Johns for its first beach title, going undefeated in the process.

Balls were mushed and blood was shed at the tournament that is an economic boon for Lincoln City every year. An estimated 500 people came from the Valley for the event at Kirtsis Park, and several players showed off wounds from sliding on the gravel infield.

Billy Webb’s Elks played four total games, winning each, to be adorned with the gold medals. The team is comprised of teachers, an athletic director, a principal, a vice-principal and a Clackamas Community College baseball player named Jamaal Goodlow, who was named MVP for his hitting, base running and defense in left field. The team showed Goodlow its appreciation by showering him with water bottles during an on-camera interview after the win.

St. Johns, last year’s tournament winner, battled from the losers’ bracket, playing seven games to make it to the title game, only to lose by a couple of runs to the upstart Elks.

St Johns Mushball

St. Johns was not upset by the loss and congratulated Billy Webb’s Elks in sportsmanlike fashion with customary mushball hugging and high-fives.

“I’ve been playing this game since I was 14 years old,” St. Johns captain Sam Porter said. “Its been a part of my life — my whole life — and its brought me dear friends. All of these guys are good dudes. A very solid core of good people.”

St. Johns eliminated West Coast earlier in the day, preventing a sweep of the Portland Mushball League’s titles.

St. Johns eliminated team North Portland in its second game Sunday.

Billy Webb’s Elks defeated the Crystal Wizards in their first game Sunday.

The Lincoln City team then faced St. Johns, who put more runs on the board as the sun broke through the clouds, eliminating the local mushball team.

Billy Webb’s Elks will have bragging rights until next year’s tournament, which players said they hope will be held in Lincoln City.

Justin Werner
Justin Werner
Justin Werner is the founder and editor of the Lincoln City Homepage, a trusted source of local news and information for residents and visitors of Lincoln City, Oregon. He is also a community leader, entrepreneur, and dedicated advocate for transparency and accountability in local government.


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