Friday, March 28, 2025

Lincoln City Pixiefest lowers ante, raises bar

Pixiefest Lincoln City

The first day of Pixiefest at a new location, Taft High School’s Mesa, brought a Ferris wheel and horses to the more affordable event under a clear sky with temperatures approaching 70 degrees Saturday.

Pixiefest is organized by Kiwanis of Lincoln City and proceeds from ticket sales go towards supporting children’s charities, such as Backpacks for Kids, Lincoln City Food Pantry, Family Promise, Doernbecher Children’s Hospital and more.

Boone Marker was Captain Barnacle again this year for Pixiefest and Lincoln City Councilor Mitch Parsons was involved with The Captain Barnacle Variety Show, which had kids taste testing things, such as “Flounder Hearts” and “Pirate’s Toes.” Some kids were grossed out but others were smiling, much to the chagrin of Barnacle.

Captain Barnacle Lincoln City

“Some of you are smiling and I just don’t get it,” he said, as they tasted the pickled artichoke (Flounder) hearts.

Games and prizes were had, Louie Foxx from America’s Got Talent put on a comedic magic show that had parents laughing and kids saying “how?” One highlight of Foxx’s show was when he caught a giant playing card in a mousetrap — matching his helper’s card — to the amazement of the crowd.

Louie Foxx Pixiefest
Louie Foxx made balls disappear and reappear at Pixiefest Saturday

The Ballistic swings, Ferris wheel and train ride were hot commodities at the festival attracting long lines at times with some riders going back for more.

Pixiefest Lincoln City

Green Acres Beach and Trail Rides brought horses to the Mesa and the line for them was the biggest at the event with some children getting their wish to ride a pony.

Green Acres Pixiefest

“I want to ride the ponies right now,” one small child said.

A bouncy house entertained the smaller children and corn dogs “as big as your arm” were for sale in the food court. Face painting was also in high demand, and many children were sporting the handiwork of the artist throughout the day.

Cute Face

A tent dedicated to the old Pixie Kitchen and Pixieland allowed event-goers to take a trip to the past by viewing memories from the era.

Pixiefest 2019
Mermaid Madyson Valencia greets newcomers at the “Memories” tent

South Beach resident “Grizz” remembers going to Pixie Kitchen and eating their “Great food,” and riding the rides at Pixieland just north of Lincoln City in Otis.

“Riding the rides was the whole reason for going,” he said. Pixiefest staff gave a menu and cookbook commemorating the historic Pixie Kitchen to Grizz after hearing his story.

Grizz PixiefestThe train ride took passengers on a trip through the back of Taft High School’s parking lot, and the conductor swerved back and forth to the amusement of children and parents alike.

Pixiefest trainThe turnout for this years Pixiefest is a marked improvement over last years attendance that failed to meet expectations. With the new location and lower prices it appears more people are coming to the event.

Pixiefest continues Sunday at noon and will feature Presto the Magician and more Captain Barnacle Variety Show. Tickets are $10 for adults and $6 for kids six and up.

Justin Werner
Justin Werner
Justin Werner is the founder and editor of the Lincoln City Homepage, a trusted source of local news and information for residents and visitors of Lincoln City, Oregon. He is also a community leader, entrepreneur, and dedicated advocate for transparency and accountability in local government.


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