Friday, July 26, 2024

Local resident sought to serve on LCSD Budget Committee

The Lincoln County School District is seeking a Lincoln City-area resident to consider fiscal issues and spending that affect North County schools as a Budget Committee member.

LCSD Gag OrderCommunity members are encouraged to apply by the Jan. 2 deadline. The application is available on the LCSD website.

Openings for three Budget Committee positions were discussed at Tuesday’s regular Lincoln County School Board session. Its Budget Committee consists of the five school board members and five appointed citizens from each of the five board zones.

Budget Committee members serve three-year terms, which are staggered to allow some continuity on the committee.The school board appoints the other citizens to the Committee.

The vacancies on the Committee are: Zones 1 (Lincoln City area); Zone 2 (Agate Beach to south Lincoln City); and Zone 3 (Newport central).

The Zone 1 vacancy expires June 2020. Zone 2 and 3 vacancies are full three-year terms.

Applications will be available on the district website and at the District Administration office in Newport (459 SW Coast Highway, Newport, OR 97365). Applicants must be registered voters, may not be employees of LCSD and must live in the zone to which they are applying.

Homepage Staff
Homepage Staff
Staff account: Articles written and/or edited by Homepage Staff.


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