Tuesday, March 25, 2025

OCTOPUS, Lincoln City Logo – Jerry Warner

lincoln city logo
Visitor & Convention Bureau Marketing Manager Ed Dreistadt – Photo By Newport News Times

I think the Lincoln City octopus logo really represents the City Council and City Administration.

The city has done everything it can to suck the life out of the free enterprise system and economic development in Lincoln City.

The tentacles are attached to the business community.

The city is in direct competition with other retailers in the glassblowing business by subsidizing one business with our tax money.

The city is in the real estate business and have taken millions of dollars off the tax rolls in properties they purchased and that are surplus.

The city is in the business of loaning out money through urban renewal district at 0% interest and taxpayers pay 4.4% interest on bonds the city sells (2017 series issue).

The city is in the land development business. Since June 2013, the city used budgeted funds to purchase “The Village of the Cascades”. It cost taxpayers an estimated five million for lost taxes, cost of maintenance, pump station, and paving. If the property was in private ownership it would already be in development and putting millions of dollars into the tax base, lowering your taxes.

The tentacles will be reaching out again for you to approve a $21 million bond issue. Don’t be fooled, at least you will get a chance to vote NO!

LCH Reader
LCH Reader
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