Monday, March 10, 2025

Father of Dragons: Meet Justin Sparks

Justin Sparks Lincoln CityDragons are coming — well, pretty much finished, says local artist and fantasy movie buff Justin Sparks of Sparks Gallery in Lincoln City, about the new dragon mural in Taft.

“It was her vision to say I would like a dragon with really deep woods,” Sparks said about the green dragon adorning the west side of the Sapphire Center, 4840 SE Highway 101, owned by Claire Hagen.

Sparks was commissioned by Hagen in August to paint a “dragon in deep forest” in the historic Taft District that can be seen by anyone travelling south on Highway 101.

Lincoln City Dragon
“Douggie Mike” waiting for his eye from Sparks

The local artist started with a forest backdrop, then painted an intricate log and is finally adding the “forest camouflaged dragon.”

“I love what ‘Douggie Mike the Dragon’ represents,” Hagen said. “It’s all about making people happy and reminding people to use their imagination and get back to nature.”

Sparks has been working on “Douggie Mike” for over a month and is using exterior latex paint with a two-inch angled sash brush as his go-to, and smaller brushes for finer details.

“Each little section I do I try to come up with something new to put in there and make it look a little different,” Sparks said. “It really makes the town look a lot better when you have artwork all over the town.

“It draws people in and is something people can enjoy looking at while they are walking through different districts,” he said.

“Douggie Mike” is a one-of-a-kind mural and is just one of Spark’s many murals painted in Depoe Bay, Geleneden Beach and now, Lincoln City.

Sparks paints wildlife-based paintings at his gallery, 1808 Highway 101, and loves watching fantasy and sci-fi movies. His wife and Taft High Drama Director Jennifer Sparks, said he can be heard humming Lord of the Rings music while he paints.

Hagen wants people to Like the Sapphire Center Facebook page for a “secret” fans of the dragon will want to “see” coming soon.

Sapphire Center Lincoln City

Justin Werner
Justin Werner
Justin Werner is the founder and editor of the Lincoln City Homepage, a trusted source of local news and information for residents and visitors of Lincoln City, Oregon. He is also a community leader, entrepreneur, and dedicated advocate for transparency and accountability in local government.


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