Friday, February 21, 2025

Lincoln City Police shooting: ‘Use of Deadly Force’ video and media release

Warning. The following video is graphic.

The following video and media release concerning the shooting by Lincoln City Police officers of David A. Xanatos, of Idaho, was released by the Lincoln County District Attorney’s Office Friday.

Warning. The following video is graphic.


Previous Coverage:

New details in officer-involved shooting in Lincoln City

Officers use deadly force in Lincoln City



News Release
News Release
This information was provided for dissemination to our readers via an outside agency.


  1. Well, he wasn’t acting crazy, except for the moment he rushed the cops.
    I’d have shot him as well. It’s debatable if the whole situation was justified to begin with. The guy was obviously intoxicated, and it’s debatable as well
    if he posed a danger at a later time.
    That area is awash in transients, and it’s no surprise he was wandering around where he was. You just don’t argue with someone holding
    a firearm, it’s a losing situation.
    I think he could have been tasered long before it became necessary to
    shoot him.

  2. As stated in the video, tasers are ineffective against people in heavy clothing. Also, a person who is moving or more than 12 feet away is an extremely difficult target for a taser. If the less lethal did not work, there is no reason to believe a taser would be more effective

  3. The police pushed the situation. I’ve been on the wrong end of LCPD
    and it’s scary.
    The guy wasn’t moving around for quite a long time before he was
    virtually pushed into a decision.
    Maybe a taser wouldn’t have worked. I’m sure I’ve heard of pepper spray,
    rubber bullets and other non-lethal measures.
    Sure- once the guy lunged there was no other option, I’d have shot him as well, but he was pushed by the cops, it’s obvious to me. He wouldn’t comply, and that’s a death sentence. You just wait until you are unjustly accused and bullied by someone in a cop uniform and a gun.
    Some of us know when we’re beat, and let the bully win, other people are not so willing to lay down.

  4. Well, this did point out to me that LCPD needs more training on skills of deescalation/conflict resolution and maybe more scenario-based training of less-lethal weapons!!! You poked the bear with a tiny stick what do you expect . . . now your forced to kill it! All this started from sniping butts out of employee cigarette can’s! So we shoot 1 foam load to piss him off! Then shoot him with 20 plus lead to finish it. Why not shoot 20 plus foam to knock him senseless and shoot no lead to finish the possible arrest! Bomar just had to know who this guy was at that minute? Why does traffic (cops) back off when a high speed escalates? I’m not saying that you didn’t eventually probably have to kill him when it got to the end point (I really don’t know). I’m saying it didn’t have to be this end point.
    I would like to see less-lethal weapons shoot more than 1 round please. How about hanging them in every patrol car fully loaded with multiple rounds and backup projectiles of other kinds for different situations.
    I noticed this guy has a small rap sheet for this lifestyle. Something tells me the man hasn’t spent his hole life on the streets.Tragic for this man’s people! And tragic for officers memory!

  5. #1 Why did the DA’s office edit the Wehrley AND the Tolzman bodycam footage to remove the final two shots that came over two seconds AFTER the suspect appears to be on the ground and incapacitated?

    #2 Why did the DA’s office NOT release the Oregon State Police report?

    #3 Why did the DA’s office NOT release Sgt. Bomars bodycam footage, as he was the lead Officer in this incident and had the clearest view?

  6. The LCPD think they are above the law, plain and simple. I think the DA’s office is as corrupt as the LCPD. The officers involved are murderers in my never to be humble opinion and should be given no respect by the citizens in thecommunity they allegedly are supposed to be protecting.

  7. Don’t run towards a cop with a knife in your hand. Plain and simple. He is responsible for his own death. Don’t bring a k***e to a g**f***t. Yes, you don’t know if he is drunk or high but it doesn’t matter, it adds to the unpredictableness in a situation where a guy is running at you with a knife.

  8. According to a “source”, those last two shots were fired after the suspect tried to get back up and both shots MISSED. My source also said Sgt. Bomar only hit the suspect twice, in the wrist and leg. Will confirm when I get the State Police report, unless LC Homepage beats me to it.

  9. The LCPD started the whole thing by harassing someone that was essentially in another country. A Suspicious person is not a crime! That makes anyone who is walking a suspicious person and then they can harass anybody they want just because they say you’re suspicious? You don’t have to give them your ID. To me it looks like they were just looking for a fight. He wasn’t committing a crime at that point in time. No one was out it was pretty late in the night not to mention the casino is its own nation not the US. Its has security and they didn’t even call the police the police decide to harass this citizen on their own. The police contacted the casino. Just remember that the casino doesn’t pay for our police they don’t have to pay taxes. The casino also keeps buying more and more property and its take more tax money away from us. That’s money away from schools, police, fire and all of our utilities. The LCPD shouldn’t even be on their property it would be like going to Canada or Mexico and arresting someone for a crime the committed in that country and prosecuting them in the US for that crime. They can’t have it both ways.

  10. Late to the party but the LCPD is corrupt, aides and abet illegal immigrants without driver’s license that cause accidents. The Lincoln County DA is a bought of PoS that needs to go.

  11. So, this guy was on the casino property, was confronted by an officer, and then by casino security and left as directed. Then the officer decides to detain him for trespassing. 1st Question: Can an officer trespass a subject without the property owner requesting it? I don’t know, but I don’ think so. Its not the officer’s authority to trespass the subject unless the owner requests it.

    2nd Question: What warranted “an investigation” of the subject? When asked, he said he was looking for cigarettes. Sure, it’s possible he was casing the joint to pull off his big Ocean’s Eleven-style heist, but was he breaking a law? I’m no expert, but if my assumption above about trespassing is right, the subject had not broken any laws and was detained unlawfully, his 4th amendment rights trampled (which we see so often, unfortunately). Forgive my skepticism, but I find it hard to trust police when there are countless instances of officers emboldened by the authority of the badge violating constitutionally protected rights and escalating things way beyond reason when their authority is not respected. Perhaps this officer had his feelings hurt and his fragile little ego bruised cause the subject lawfully refused to ID himself. Officer had no knowledge of the subjects criminal record at that point, had no authority to trespass the subject from the casino (the officer was also trespassing on the property unless he had been called there, which he clearly had not!) or to detain him on reasonable suspicion of anything. So frustrating. This guy may still be alive today had this officer not escalated things unnecessarily. Yeah, it’s true he had a colorful criminal history, and we might even assume he was probably going to commit a crime again someday, but that doesn’t justify anything, and if you think it does, you are part of the problem. His mistake was charging the officer with the knife – I would have fired on him too, but I wouldn’t have tried to detain the guy unlawfully and tried to violate his 4th amendment rights (sorry you don’t like the look of my belt knife, “officer”, but you can kiss my a$$). The subject had to have wanted the outcome he got – clearly mentally unstable.

    We cannot continue supporting these ego-fueled “hero’s” if they refuse to follow the laws and rights they are entrusted to protect. They have far too much authority as it is, and they routinely abuse and go way past the limits of their authority. They will manipulate you, use psychological methods to get compliance when none is required, they will lie, they don’t know the law, and they will react emotionally even when peacefully challenged. We are a police state, ruled by street thugs by the point of a gun. Who’s next to get gunned down for the sake of some idiot’s ego?

    To the the cops out there who know the law, honor the constitution, are not afraid of speaking out against collogues who abuse their authority, and who are honest, peaceful public servants who respect life and liberty above all else, thank you, and please keep up the good work.

  12. I’m here a long time later because this still bothers me. I knew Dave and he was a nice guy for when I knew him. I liked him well enough to hang with him regularly. But he was also a man who clearly had serious mental problems. And there was no language barrier, he was born here. He talked in perfect English about violence more than his fair share, he trained himself for it daily, he was remarkably strong, and he was not someone to mess with.
    This outcome wasn’t so shocking to me, just very sad.

    I wish the police would have had better mental health training or specially trained individuals on hand to deescalate this. Dave needed a lot of help in his life and this was clear to anyone who knew him.

    Despite having known and liked him, the hard reality is that he was a felon acting suspicious and carrying a weapon that he refused to surrender. This wasn’t some police-state tyranny. It was lack of very specialized training meeting an unstable and dangerous individual who decided that tonight was their night. And I still don’t know that it would have mattered.

    Some things are more complicated than a bunch of loudmouths want to pretend. Our society is full of problems that brought us to this point, but in the end, I can’t find blame for anyone involved that night.


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