K2’s center field at Kirtsis Park was home to games, a dunk tank, bounce house, citizens, police, fire, medical and military personnel from 5-7 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 7, for the first-ever Lincoln City National Night Out (NNO) in the name of neighborhood camaraderie.
Lincoln City National Night Out 2018
Lincoln City National Night Out was the “best fun all year,” according to children close to the matter.
Posted by Lincoln City Homepage on Tuesday, August 7, 2018
National Night Out is an annual community-building campaign that promotes police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie to make our neighborhoods safer, more caring places to live. National Night Out enhances the relationship between neighbors and law enforcement while bringing back a true sense of community. Furthermore, it provides a great opportunity to bring police and neighbors together under positive circumstances.
Master of ceremonies and event organizer Boone Marker manned the microphone, announcing events when he wasn’t secretly collapsing the dunk-tank seat. Marker had the idea and the Lincoln City Community Center hosted the event.

Lincoln City Police Department officers mingled with citizens, played soccer and gave a tour of a police cruiser. North Lincoln Fire & Rescue (NLFR) handed out fire safety information and goodies bags to the kids. The Oregon Army National Guard set up a mobile rock-climbing wall.
One of the biggest attractions was the dunk tank, where for $1, kids and adults threw softballs at a target to submerge willing volunteers, such as Mayor Don Williams, Chief of Police Jerry Palmer and local celebrity Heather Hatton. For $5, contestants were allowed to push the target, guaranteeing a dunk. The dunk tank and corresponding raffle raised money for the Parks & Recreation Youth Scholarship Fund.

Lincoln City band Schroondonk provided live music and was considered “great” by many event-goers. The band played a full set, including Sublime’s “What I Got,” which had kids and adults dancing.
Mayoral candidates David Dahle and Susan Wahlke were in attendance, along with City Council hopeful Mitch Parsons, and current City Councilors Diana Hinton, Dick Anderson and Riley Hoagland. Dahle conducted an interview with Parsons at the event.
Mitch Parsons, Lincoln City Council Candidate for Ward One interview with David Dahle of Lincoln City TV at Kirtsis Field for National NIght Out
Posted by Lincoln City TV on Tuesday, August 7, 2018
Younger children climbed up an inflatable rock-climb slide and jumped around inside the bounce house to the smiles of onlooking parents.
Fruity the Clown (Kathy Santos) made balloon animals on request, such as swords, flowers and a dog on a leash. All the kids seemed to have visited her, as balloon animals could be seen in the hands of virtually every child.
“I like to see children smiling and having fun,” Santos said.
NW Natural, Sysco Foods, Chinook Winds Casino Resort, and Kenny’s IGA provided hot dogs, chips, watermelon, cookies and soda for hungry participants, and Driftwood Public Library, American Red Cross, Cub Scouts and Girl Scouts had booths set up to share information.
Raffle prizes were donated from numerous local businesses. Bijou Theatre, Eleanor’s Undertow, Hwy 101 Burger, Mo’s, Salishan Spa & Golf Resort, Kyllo’s, Black Squid Beer House, Thai Bay, Autobahn 101, My Petite Sweet, Granny’s Attic, Beach Club & Event Center, Game Over, LuLaRoe and the Lincoln City Community Center all donated prizes.
The event was deemed a success by many individuals Homepage spoke with.
“This is such a great event,” Lincoln City resident Debbie Donner said. “Our grand daughter loves it. This is just wonderful.”