Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Lincoln City closes lodging with unanimous vote

Lincoln County Hotels Closed

FINAL UPDATE 7:28 p.m. 3/23: City Manager Ron Chandler read the order aloud on the City’s live stream during Monday night’s City Council meeting.

Chandler said the cost for one month of lost transient room tax due to closures would be $900,000.

Lincoln City Mayor Dick Anderson said the City has barricaded beach access points, making it “unattractive” to any who see it. Chandler said the Oregon State Parks and Recreation Department barricaded D River Wayside and Roads End state parks.

Councilors Diana Hinton and Judy Casper voted along with the mayor at the meeting to ratify the order, with councilors Mitch Parsons Riley Hoagland, Diane Kusz, and Rick Mark voting unanimously via telephone.

Anderson apologized to his citizens for the appearance of not acting fast enough. He said there were many proposed fixes for the problem but Lincoln County ultimately took the lead.

Hinton thanked Anderson and Chandler for all the work they had done in previous days leading up to the order.

Casper said “this was a good wake up call for all of us,” and expressed concern for the information disconnect between the City and getting information out. She called on the City’s information technology department for a fix.

Chandler said City bathrooms with attached parking would remain closed. Bathrooms near businesses could be left open, he said. He said keeping bathrooms closed would help keep “day-trippers” away. Anderson said truckers would need a place to go to the bathroom. Chandler said bathrooms close at night and that practice would stay the same no matter what the City decides to do with bathrooms. Hoagland disagreed with closing the bathrooms, saying locals might need to use them, as well as the homeless population.

After a lengthy discussion, public restrooms will remain open in a limited capacity to be determined. Most likely it will be bathrooms the City maintains at beach access points, but not at parks declared closed.

Hinton said she was inundated by communications from the public with suggestions and comments. Of note was that one grocery store was following best practices and others were not. She also said the financial impact was concerning.

Chandler said the Chamber of Commerce requested there should be payments to businesses affected by the emergency and suggested the City Council look at it at a future meeting. Anderson said planning the recovery should be addressed.

Hoagland asked if the old Samaritan North Lincoln Hospital could be used to increase bed capacity.

The order has been ratified and will take effect tomorrow.

This concludes our live updates.


Lincoln City will join other cities in Lincoln County who have been working to draft a joint declaration ordering lodging to close.


Lincoln City, Newport, Toledo, Depoe Bay, Yachats and Waldport have already taken precautionary measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 that includes closing public facilities.

Numerous public and private health officials in the State of Oregon have called for more stringent and aggressive social distancing measures because voluntary actions have gone unheeded.

In a news release from the City of Lincoln City, the City said it has been working with the Lincoln County Board of Commissioners and the other cities to draft a joint declaration, ordering the closure of:

  • Vacation rentals
  • Short term rentals
  • homestay lodgings
  • Hotels
  • Motels
  • RV parks
  • Private campgrounds

The order outlines some exceptions:

All hotels and motels, RV Parks and Private Campgrounds and similar lodgings or housing not identified above are closed to short term rentals of less than 30 days except as follows:

  • Stays for 30 days or longer are allowed.
  • Local county residents effecting a COVID-19 self-quarantine or who have moved from their local residence in order to allow a family member or roommate to self- quarantine in their local residence.
  • Families or individuals residing in lodging for less than 30 days if this is their only means of shelter. Includes, but is not limited to, vouchers for stay provided by local or regional governments or nonprofit agencies.
  • Employees of the facility provided lodging as a requirement or benefit of their employment.
  • Patients or families of patients receiving medical care at local facilities.
  • Essential workers, including but not limited to doctors, nurses, other health staff, home and health care workers, Coast Guard members, truck drivers and supply providers, workers in the county whose employer pays for lodging, construction workers on local projects (including public contractors), utility crews, and other persons whose work in the county requires temporary accommodations.
  • Other persons or categories of people who City managers or County Counsel deem consistent with the intent of this Order, after consultation with the Local Public Health Administrator.

All pools, spas and other public bathing facilities are closed at lodging properties.

The news should be welcome to scores of coastal citizens who decried the influx of “COVID-19 refugees and tourists” who descended upon the Oregon Coast over the last week.

Homepage reached out to Lincoln City Mayor Dick Anderson Sunday to find out what the City was doing to protect citizens. He responded the same day with:

“Justin, Call with Governor is over. She took input and suggestions. Not sure what her revised stance will be. Lincoln County and the separate Lincoln County Cities are trying to coordinate a message and position that is consistent. More to come. Fast moving. Dick.”

Lincoln City City Manager Ron Chandler has advised Lincoln County that Lincoln City concurs with the draft order. The City Council will meet electronically at 6 p.m. tonight to ratify.

Chandler said representatives from Lincoln County and the other cities will meet electronically at 8 p.m. to provide further information.

Justin Werner
Justin Wernerhttps://wernerhost.com/
Justin Werner is the founder and editor of the Lincoln City Homepage, a trusted source of local news and information for residents and visitors of Lincoln City, Oregon. He is also a community leader, entrepreneur, and dedicated advocate for transparency and accountability in local government.


  1. Yes! If ya can’t get the slow as molasses (need new mayor) disappearing act Mayor to do it . . . Then you force him!

  2. Kate Brown needs to do her job. The beaches should be closed for the duration of the virus. As Citizen of NEWPORT I was aghast at the coast this past weekend. Brown should have already shut them down and she is not doing her job. Recall her if she fails to pick up the pace quickly.

  3. It’s about time. This lodging closure should have been done two weeks ago. Everyone knew Spring Break was coming, but the city is so greedy, they did not act to protect the residents. Now, if the city and code enforcement will enforce it, we will wait and see!!!!!

  4. Be sure to vote this year!!! Show the City Council and any one who has been on the City Council before, that their leadership is weak and their ability to protect this city is not want you want! We need decisive leaders!

  5. Indeed. We have been a “blue” county and state for far too long. Vote them out. Some of the hotels will survive because of proper operations (under the exemptions of the order) and others due to the tax dollars of those that shut them down (remember that when government gives out “free stuff” they are using YOUR money.
    I do know of a few food service places that were supportive of my operation (for their safety I won’t name them). As for the rest . . .
    despite your inhospitable attempts at destroying our economy, when this passes, many will try to rebuild the hospitality industry. May the energies you put out be returned threefold.

    • I personally was appalled at the mean and rude behaviors of some of LC residents. Nothing like being mean and nasty to the folks that fuel your economy.

  6. This is so late. Money was more important thab saving the citizens who live here. Enough..remove these fools and replace with people that can act quickly

    • I drove to town today to drop a vehicle for a repair and I saw lots of people out and about. Must be locals, go figure. And prolly the ones complaining of the tourists all over town, not following stay at home orders. Sure were a lot of people and vehicle’s out and about for “essential” only activity.

  7. When this is all over and you are back up and running we will come back and spend money in the community to help you get back on your feet. We love you Lincoln City.

  8. The coastal economy is not destroyed, and will bounce back. There are too many liberals in office, we will see what happens later on with that.
    Locals will support our area as much as possible, that’s the way it’s going to have to be for now. The disgust at the exodus to the coast was nearly unanimous, it was greed that held up decisive action. Go to some council meetings and find out how much money the city has in reserves, apparently there’s enough to build a sidewalk to nowhere over on the south east side of 101. Crying about losing 900 thousand in taxes is falling on deaf ears. The whole country is affected, and pretending everything was normal here is just wrong. And I’m not afraid to use my real name…

  9. Good move Lincoln County. Thank you, now please announce on T.V. news not everyone reads social media online
    We need to spread the word so people do not make plans to come here camping or RV camping. I called Surftides. In Lincoln City late on March 23rd and asked if they were still taking reservations their reply was a very enthusiastic YES!

  10. I think the politicians of Lincoln county should shut the hell up unless they are going to pay all the business while they lose money!! Our beaches are NOT owned by them and if someone needs some fresh air and away from all the crap on TV then by gosh I’m going to take a walk if you want to give me a ticket fine do it when I run out of toilet paper I’ll use it

  11. Ron Chandler stated we should pay business’s for loss of revenue? Why? They will recover just fine after this is over if they close that is free enterprise. How do you plan to pay them? More taxes? I don’t think so. Our property taxes are extremely high now? The federal government will pay it but why should we pay extra taxes. Quit giving our property tax away! You want affordable housing so you raise property tax…..wake up! How about selling all that property the city has and put that back in the war chest! I can’t believe what I am hearing! Everyone please vote!!!!

  12. I absolutely agree, you people just give give give with our tax money not even listening to our concerns! Fast Moving Dick??? Really, the fact that he signed it like that himself is pathetic and this man is our Mayor???? Please vote

  13. It’s simple NEVER! VOTE for a Conservitive/White Supremacist/Republican nationalists again! Every time they run the globe into the ground with their special interests into markets, corruption, WARS and evil dictators like midget putin! Then they hand it over to us 3 mil more popular blue democrats (probably 50 mil more popular by now) who fix it again so Republicans can have a clean chalk board to experiment with again! This always happens! We fix and they break!
    DON DRUMPF and every RED that supports DON and his 1 million lies to the Globe, will and should be Voted Out! You will pay for your lack of Brain!

  14. that was obviously the most clearly thought out response I’ve read all day. If the orange man hadn’t been elected..,we wouldn’t have this pandemic so racially profiled!!!.., the utter audacity of the guy to inform us where the virus originated and Not only that but to even suggest it was the very same bio-tech laboratory in Wuhan, China., (the Wuhan Institute of Virology)., that the 2009 Sars virus originated!! And the same country, (a virology lab in Foshan, China), that the 2002-2004 Sars pandemic originated.., as if it was intentional !!., that makes him a racist thru and thru in my cultivated brain.,because the C.C.P. would Never weaponize their biotech capabilities against us!!!.,nor interfere in our elections.., or supply chains even if they own the Panama Canal!! It’s really not the way it seems., sleepy joe is telling the truth.., and jeffrey epstein hung himself on the same bedsheat as the 9/11 hi-jackers used to escape back to Saudi Arabia!! I read it in the N.Y.Times!!

  15. A real redneck backwoods type name. A real source of intelligence.
    Look at what is happening in the senate right now and see what’s wrong.
    Term limits are the answer, but it’ll never happen. What we need is for the designated survivor to assume their duties. The city can build a new police station- complete with tax-payer funded artwork, and a paid person to study those purchases , like I have said before, go to some city
    council meetings and bring some coffee, you’ll hear some ludicrous expenditures, and you’ll hear some worthwhile projects. City council and the Mayor are unpaid positions…..
    I asked about enforcement of the ban, I don’t have an answer, perhaps it’s the actual owners, and coming to your second home can’t be banned. The country is shut down, and the least we can do is suffer with the rest. Things will get back to normal, but not yesterday! Have some patience. Personally, I’m enjoying the lack of whackjobs racing past my house on their way to the liquor store and back to the vrd or motels.

  16. You all realize that several people in this community commute for work, right? Tourists are not the only avenue of transmission for a virus.
    And good call keeping bathrooms open, that is the humane thing to do.

  17. Miles and miles of beaches own by the people for the people. I think most people can walk on the beach six feet apart but the small minds of the locals think it there beach,what assholes

  18. Has it occurred to anyone, that if people had stayed at home or at least
    in their own communities when this started, many small towns like ours would be safe. It was air travel and the incubation period that helped this virus spread. It’s arrogant for people to claim that they are the exception, no- just wait, there will be cases of this virus here in Lincoln City because the city did not act fast enough, just like spring breakers in FL have gotten sick, it’s going to happen here. I’d like to go visit my brother in Hillsboro, but it’s going to have to wait. Personal responsibility is decidedly lacking in too many people, and it’ll only drag this thing out.

  19. to Steve; I have to admit being a “local small minded asshole” when I realized how coldly and even thoughtlessly I infringed on your rights to travel and enjoy the “by the people for the people” beaches. I’m asking you to forgive not just myself but any remaining “small minded assholes” that erroneously thought that doing what the medical experts told us to do.., as in “staying put for 15 days to stop new outbreaks”…,in a state with over 10 deaths and 240 confirmed cases and expanding as we communicate..,I admit to being selfish as well., thinking I shouldn’t travel to the valley or anywhere other than essentially required over concern that I may be exposed and/or unknowingly expose others who are as of yet asymptomatic., a fancy word to indicate they are not yet showing the symptoms of the virus.., as it takes 6-14 days to activate from human to human . I am one selfish bastard eh? Why not we pass a local resolution to open the beaches to a fucking “7/24 spring break party”…, open to “the people.,for the people”.,funded by the locals!!!..,with endless coolers of your favorite iced beverage!!., and BBQ’s from all the way from Brookings to the Washington state line!!! The thought that I was scared shitless of spreading or contracting this virus along with the rest of the “small minded assholes” make me hang my head in shame!!! You’re right Steve., we should ignore this lethal outbreak., I mean we’re all gonna die anyway..,can you feel me bruh?.,so here’s a high five to ya! Thanks for straightening the old man out!! Why don’t we all get together and share a bottle of wine?.,or pass that joint over to me.,no bogartin’ allowed., maybe we can get Neal Young to do a”rockin’ in the free world” coastal tour at the casino!! No face masks allowed!!! I’ll get hold of him up there in Canada unless they’ve locked down the entire population.,(I hear trudeau has tested positive for this virus and now is in “personal isolation”., trying to run the country via skype.., what a selfish asshole eh? He should be out there partying., “damn the fucking torpedoes” eh?


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