Saturday, March 15, 2025
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High winds predicted for Lincoln City


Weather Lincoln City

National Weather Service Portland issued a High Wind Watch from Tuesday night through Wednesday morning with gusts up to 60 mph possible.

Starting at 8 p.m. Tuesday, NWS predicts south winds 25-35 mph with gusts up to 60 mph near beaches and headlands.

The Central Oregon Coast could see damaging winds that can blow down trees and power lines. Power outages are possible and travel might be difficult, especially for high-profile vehicles.

Additionally, NWS issued another warning for possible icy roads tonight.

Now Open: Domino’s Pizza

Lincoln City’s Domino’s Pizza opened for the first time Monday and patrons were in full force to sample the goods.


Owner Pat Farmer said he is honored to be able to bring Domino’s Pizza to Lincoln City and will do everything he can to “earn your business.”

According to Farmer it took him three years to secure a location for the restaurant and while running the Newport Domino’s he would routinely get asked the question: “When are you coming to Lincoln City?” Farmer said he did not have any major problems with the City of Lincoln City during the building process and is happy with how the new location turned out.

Domino’s Supervisor Spencer Gilbertson was on deck for the grand opening, telling us how he can’t wait to get involved with school lunches, non-profit organizations, donating to police, and everything else that is community.

“We’ve never had this much community support with a new store like this,” Gilbertson said. “We’re extremely eager to jump in and start.”

Lincoln City Domino’s General Manager Mason Westerholm said he couldn’t wait to show Lincoln City “what Domino’s was all about.”

As pizza baked and free pairs of Domino’s sunglasses were handed out, the staff went about their work as the orders piled up.


Health officials issue call to action to protect kids

ICU bed shortage Oregon
Photo by Justin Werner

PORTLAND, Ore. – State health officials are asking people to take immediate, urgent action to protect children and ensure there are pediatric intensive care beds available in Oregon hospitals to treat any child or youth with a serious illness or injury. Oregon health officials expect respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) cases to peak after the Thanksgiving holiday, which will further strain pediatric hospital intensive care units in the Portland area that are already at their limit.

In response to Oregon’s acute shortage of pediatric intensive care beds, state health officials recommend that people:

  • Stay home when sick.
  • Cover coughs and sneezes with the inside of your elbow, or with a tissue that you immediately throw away after use.
  • Clean and disinfect all high-touch surfaces, including doorknobs, faucets, chairs, countertops and tables.
  • Regularly wash hands with soap and water or use hand sanitizer, especially after coughing or sneezing into a tissue.
  • There is no vaccine for RSV.
  • Consider wearing a mask in crowded indoor spaces.

The recommendations come as at least two Portland-area hospitals – Doernbecher Children’s Hospital at Oregon Health & Science University and Randall Children’s Hospital at Legacy Emanuel Medical Center – notified OHA they have enacted crisis standards of care for their pediatric intensive care units. Crisis care standards allow hospitals to adjust their staffing to help treat as many critically ill children in the state as possible.

Patrick Allen, Oregon Health Authority (OHA) said, “Oregon children’s hospitals are pushed to the limit. If you have young children and they get sick, there may not be a hospital bed for them. Our recommendations are a call to action for Oregonians to help slow the spread of respiratory disease and make sure no child’s life is put at risk because every pediatric ICU bed in our state is full with another seriously ill kid.”

“Multiple respiratory infections circulating in our community are of great concern to all of us in health care, says Providence St. Vincent Medical Center’s Genevieve Buser, MDCM, a pediatric infectious disease specialist. “Children have been especially hard hit, and we are caring for unprecedented numbers of very sick young people in our hospitals, immediate care facilities, and clinics. Right now, more than half of our kids sick enough to be hospitalized have RSV (respiratory syncytial virus), and almost all of those are babies less than 6 months of age. It causes babies to need oxygen to breathe, and even stop breathing.”

Dr. Buser added that since the Oregon region is in a crisis for critical pediatric hospital beds, “we should do what we can as a community to slow transmission to our most vulnerable neighbors,” including getting COVID and flu vaccinations. “Older adults, too–especially those with chronic lung disease–can become very ill with RSV, in addition to COVID and flu.”

State health officials are working with hospitals to bring additional nurses into Oregon from out of state. OHA officials also are pursuing health care volunteers through Serv-OR, the state’s emergency volunteer registry. In addition, OHA is providing hospitals with recent legislatively appropriated funds to aid staffing.

Parents of children younger than five, especially newborns to 6-month-olds, are especially advised to take precautions that keep their children safe and help to limit the spread of RSV and influenza in coming weeks. Young children, as well as older adults – people 65 and older – are at higher risk of severe illness from these respiratory viruses, including hospitalization and death.

Data showing that the RSV hospitalization rate for children quadrupled between Oct. 29 and Nov. 19, from 2.7 to 10.8 children per 100,000 population. RSV hospitalizations are expected to rise further over the next few weeks.

Hospitalizations are also being fueled by a rapid increase in influenza cases around the state. According to OHA’s weekly Flu Bites influenza surveillance report, the percentage of positive influenza tests has doubled each week since mid-October – it was 1% the week ending Oct. 22, 2% on Oct. 29, 4.5% on Nov. 5, 9.3% on Nov. 12 and 16.4% on Nov. 19.

A 5% positivity rate for influenza tests is considered a threshold for significant influenza circulation.

RSV is a common respiratory virus that usually causes mild, cold-like symptoms, such as runny nose, coughing and sneezing. Most infections go away on their own in a week or two. Almost all children will have had an RSV infection by their second birthday.

People experiencing mild RSV symptoms should:

  • Stay home from work or school, and avoid indoor and outdoor holiday gatherings and events.
  • Manage fever and pain with over-the-counter fever reducers and pain relievers.
  • Drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration.
  • Make sure to talk to your health care provider before giving your child over-the-counter cold medicines which are typically not indicated for this age group.

While cold-like symptoms are more typical of RSV infections, some children can experience severe symptoms requiring immediate care. Parents should call their pediatrician or seek care right away if child has any of the following symptoms:

  • Difficulty breathing or increased work of breathing.
  • Symptoms of dehydration, or fewer than one wet diaper every eight hours.
  • Gray or blue color to tongue, lips or skin.
  • Decreased activity and alertness.

Some children with RSV may be at increased risk of developing a bacterial infection, such as an ear infection. Call your pediatrician if your child has:

  • Symptoms that worsen or do not start to improve after seven days.
  • A fever of 100.4°F or higher if they are younger than 3 months old (12 weeks).
  • A fever that rises above 104°F repeatedly for a child of any age.
  • Poor sleep or fussiness, chest pain, ear tugging or ear drainage.

For more information about RSV, visit OHA’s RSV page. Information about influenza is available at OHA’s Flu Prevention page.

Thankful to


Thanksgiving 2022

What I like best about the holiday season in America is the reflective mood it puts me in.

It also seems to affect others that way, based on the comments I hear in person, on tv or read on the internet. I note comments like “I’m thankful for my freedom. Or, “I’m thankful for my family. While gratitude for things is proper, it is not possible without being thankful to someone.

Thankful for your freedoms? Thank those that struggled to secure those freedoms. Sometimes it was a soldier, sometimes a politician that sacrificed to stand firm on a law enshrining freedoms. Thankful for your family?  Thank your family.
Thank your ancestors.  Even if you don’t get along with your family all the time, thank them for being your family.

Thankful for a roof over your head? Thank those that learned to build a house.

Like taking time to count your blessings, taking time to give thanks to those that have provided so much for you, even if you’ve never met them, can bring life back into perspective when things don’t always seem great.

In 1789, President George Washington’s issued the following Thanksgiving proclamation:

“Whereas it is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor– and whereas both Houses of Congress have by their joint Committee requested me to recommend to the People of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many signal favors of Almighty God especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness. Now therefore I do recommend and assign Thursday the 26th day of November next to be devoted by the People of these States to the service of that great and glorious Being, who is the beneficent Author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be– That we may then all unite in rendering unto Him our sincere and humble thanks…”

Washington knew that he (and we, the people of this nation) needed to express our thanks to someone for all the gifts this land and form of government have provided.

Washington expressed his thanks to his God. He knew this country’s founding was a gift to be thankful for and had to have come from someone. He could have listed hundreds of people who sacrificed and even died to make America a reality but ultimately, he knew in his heart, to be thankful to his God.

I am thankful for you today.  I am thankful to everyone that worked to make it possible for you to be able to read and me to be able to write this little article.

Take time to give thanks to someone for all the blessings in your life.

Swinging art in Lincoln City


Art Lincoln City

*Editors corrections*  There was an error concerning what some children called the sculpture.  In fact, the students in last summer’s art camp wrote a book, which contains an origin story for the sculpture. The book’s title is “The Adventures of the Bug from Planet Donut.” 

-and- The committee did not in fact get the item at a reduced price because it was turned down by another buyer, it is in fact a totally new commission and work of art.  Homepage regrets any confusion this may have caused.


The Lincoln City Cultural Center welcomed a new member this week; a towering piece of public art.

The morning sun shines through our new resident.

The metallic colossus is firmly mounted to four blocks of concrete and features long antennae shaped pieces jutting from the top and a swinging body that visitors are encouraged to interact with.    

“The kids have called it the “Bug from Planet Donut.”  ,” said Niki Price, executive director of the Lincoln City Cultural Center.  The display comes to the city through the efforts of Lincoln City’s Public Arts Committee.   “We chose… to recommend a brand new commission, and the result is now at the Cultural Center.”

Reactions on Facebook range from joy to bewilderment. 

Daniel M. writes: “Maybe it’s me but I like it a (sic) interesting piece of moving art.” 

Hannah V. commented: “It’s cool, but what is it?” 

Others questioned the cost versus other needs in the town. 

Marcella J. asked: “And how much did that piece of art cost when there are homeless people out there…?”

When completed, the base of the sculpture will meet a new patio which Price points out “Will allow someone of average height to touch the round part in the center…it is designed to be touched and swing back and forth.”  Inside the horizontal ring are large rubber bumpers along with large springs to absorb the movement.  When asked how the structure will hold up under winter winds Price said, “It was engineered by the artist to withstand high winds and gusts.”

Kelly Howard of the Jennifer Sears Gallery oversaw the installation of two fused glass inserts that she created specifically for the piece.

Kelly Howard supervises the installation of her glass
Two handmade glass pieces will adorn the top.

A sweet addition to the area

Amy and Jarod Waters at the ribbon cutting of Anglerfish Espresso

Amy and Jarod Waters had a dream of owning a coffee shop. That dream has come to fruition with the grand opening of Anglerfish Espresso at 7040 Gleneden Beach Loop, Gleneden Beach. 

“I wanted to open up a coffee shop when I was 18 and that was when when I met Jarod.  We vactioned here for 20 years because it reminds us of grandma,” said Amy. “We wanted a community oriented space where people could have some bumpin’ music and have a place to just hang out.”

Inside, one would expect the warm, welcoming aroma of freshly ground and brewed coffee but the Waters double down with the enticing smell of fresh baked goods courtesy of 19 year old Mason Joeflich.

Mason displaying a scratch made pumpkin pie

Mason is a student at Oregon Coast Community College in Lincoln City studying microbiology.
Three days per week Mason exercises his baking muscles with homemade scratch creations like scones, muffins, cookies and pies (and much more). Asked how he balances work and school Hoeflich responded:

“Amy and Jarod have been very flexible wih me.” 

 Amy adds, “People will stalk us to find out what Mason’s made.”

His creations frequently sell out and he is planning on also selling his wares at a local farmers market very soon.

As the Waters continue to add to their menu they are also hoping to start weekly live music.

Anglerfish Espresso ,Gleneden Beach

Anglerfish Espresso hours are

Wednesday thru Friday 8 a.m. until 4 p.m.

Saturday and Sunday 8 a.m. until 5 p.m.

Tuesday 8 a.m. until 3 p.m.





My Child is Sick, Could it Be RSV?


A Lincoln City third grader covers her cough (Photo by Justin Werner)

During the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and 2021, the usual winter colds and flus all but disappeared as people masked up and kept their distance. Now with children back in school, most pandemic restrictions lifted and in-person gatherings again becoming the norm, respiratory ailments are starting to make a comeback.

Among the germs making the seasonal rounds is the respiratory syncytial virus, known as RSV. Cases of RSV are increasing nationwide and are likely to rise in Oregon.

While the virus is getting a lot of attention in the media, RSV is common and mild for most children and adults. RSV symptoms are the same as the common cold – runny nose, cough, sneezing, fever and loss of appetite.

“By their second birthday, most children have had RSV,” said Pediatrician Caitlyn Anglin, DO, of Samaritan Lincoln City Medical Center. “If you have a sick child at home, it is good to monitor their symptoms because sometimes RSV can cause severe disease in children under 2 years old – especially infants under 6 months old. It can also cause severe disease in older adults.”

The same precautionary measures we took for COVID-19 are also effective for preventing other respiratory illnesses like RSV and the flu. There is no vaccine for RSV, but there are tried-and-true ways to reduce your chances of catching or spreading the virus:

  • Stay home when sick.
  • Avoid contact with people who are sick.
  • Wash hands regularly for at least 20 seconds.
  • Keep your hands away from your or your child’s face.
  • Clean and disinfect surfaces that are often touched, such as doorknobs and electronic devices.
  • Consider wearing a mask in crowded indoor settings, especially if you or someone in your home is at high risk for severe disease.

People at high-risk include:

  • Young children, in particular children under 2.
  • Children with underlying medical conditions.
  • People of all ages with weakened immune systems.
  • Adults 65 and older, especially those with chronic heart or lung disease.

If your child has symptoms of any respiratory illness – a cold, flu, COVID-19 or RSV – remember the following guidelines:

  • If symptoms are mild, keep your child home.
  • Help manage symptoms with proper nutrition, hydration and rest.
  • Use over-the-counter medicine to manage fever and pain, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen if needed. Never give aspirin to children.

“Patients with RSV usually feel better within a week or two,” said Samaritan’s Dr. Anglin. “A residual cough and nasal drainage can last for a few weeks after initial symptoms begin. It is usually not necessary to be tested for RSV. If symptoms are severe or getting worse quickly, contact your health care provider. Warning signs that require immediate attention include difficulty breathing, breathing very quickly and dehydration.”

Dr. Anglin also said that the pediatricians at Samaritan Lincoln City Medical Center have same-day appointments available for ill pediatric patients. Call the clinic at 541-994-9191 to make an appointment.

For more information, see these RSV resources from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:

Oregon seeks drug price impact stories


prescription drug increases Oregon

The Oregon Department of Consumer and Business Services (DCBS) wants to hear from the public about how increasing prescription drug prices are affecting Oregonians.

DCBS is hosting a public Zoom meeting 10 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 1, where Oregon legislators will listen to comment and serve as moderators. The department is wanting to know how the steady increases in prescription drugs has affected you and your family.

Members of the public can submit written testimony on the State of Oregon Division of Financial Regulation’s website or speak at the hearing via a Zoom link provided with the buttons below.




Topics at the hearing will cover insulin prices, pharmaceutical supply chain, and pharmacy benefit management rebate transparency. Panelists will include representatives from pharmacy benefit managers, prescription drug manufacturers, prescription drug wholesalers, and an independent pharmacy owner.

Each year DCBS holds a public hearing on prescription drug pricing. State legislators are present and get to hear the public’s concerns.


Samaritan earns Military Friendly Employer designation


Military friendly Samaritan
Samaritan North Lincoln Hospital (Photo by Justin Werner)

Samaritan Health Services has earned the 2023 Military Friendly Employer designation, a designation it is proud to have received every year since 2017.

“We take a lot of pride in being an inclusive employer,” said Samaritan Health Services President and CEO Doug Boysen, JD, MHA. “Veterans are highly skilled and often find success working in health care as biomedical engineers, nurses, medical assistants and information systems developers and analysts.”

Institutions earning the Military Friendly Employer designation were evaluated using both public data sources and responses from a proprietary survey. Over a thousand companies participated in the 2023 Military Friendly survey. Methodology, criteria, and weightings were determined by VIQTORY with input from the Military Friendly ® Advisory Council of independent leaders in the military recruitment community. Final ratings were determined by combining an organization’s survey score with an assessment of the organization’s ability to meet thresholds for Applicant, New Hire Retention, Employee Turnover, and Promotion & Advancement of veterans and military employees.

“Companies earning the Military Friendly Employers designation elevate the standard for military programs globally; they have invested in substantive programs that promote positive outcomes for service members, military spouses, and veterans within their organizations,” said Kayla Lopez, director of Military Partnerships, Military Friendly. “For these employers, hiring military is more than just the right thing to do; it’s a standard that makes good business sense.”

Samaritan Health Services will be showcased in the 2023 Military Friendly Employers in the December issue of G.I. Jobs magazine and on To learn more about careers at Samaritan, visit

Alaskan storm prompts sneaker wave alert


Sneaker Waves Lincoln City

National Weather Service Portland (NWS) issued a Beach Hazards Statement for possible sneaker waves that may occur Sunday into Monday.

An Alaskan storm with strong winds is pushing swells towards the Oregon Coast, causing NWS to issue the alert for Sunday morning through Monday morning.

“Beachgoers should be aware of the ocean and we’re trying to increase awareness about sneaker waves through things like issuing the Beach Hazards Statements,” NWS Meteorologist Lisa Kriederman said. “Take your time and watch the water for awhile and see what’s happening. The biggest thing is to not turn your back to the ocean.”

Sneaker waves can catch unsuspecting beachgoers and knock them off their feet as water can run up the beach significantly farther than normal. A person can be swept into the frigid ocean which may lead to injury and drowning. Sneaker waves can also move logs which can cause injury or death.

Staying out of the water is advised and staying off the beach is recommended.