Saturday, March 29, 2025

Warming shelter coming to Lincoln City? (Updated)

Former auto repair shop on SE 48th pl to become newest homeless shelter in Lincoln City?

*UPDATE*  According to Lincoln County Public Information Officer Kenneth Lipp;

“…the property at 4794 SE Highway 101 will not be purchased for use as a winter shelter, and the Lincoln County Homeless Advisory Board was not involved with that potential acquisition. They were just being updated on an activity relevant to their homelessness response mission.”

The Lincoln County Homeless Advisory Board (LCHAB), chaired by Lincoln County commissioner Hall is believed to be in the process of buying property in the Taft district. The building may become an emergency homeless shelter with the possibility of converting it into a permanent shelter.

The building is the former Sports and Imports repair shop at 4794 SE highway 101.  It has been for sale for some time and was recently sold and relisted for sale but never developed-until the LCHAB set it’s eyes on it. 

Through multiple inquiries, the Homepage was told by Karen Rockwell, the Executive Director of the Housing Authority of Lincoln County that,

“My Asset & Development Manager Dan Butler mentioned that you had reached out again regarding acquisition of property that the Housing Authority if pursuing in Lincoln City. As you know, the Housing Authority has been working in partnership with Lincoln County and Lincoln City to research many different options for sheltering in Lincoln City.

At this time there are no facilities that have been purchased. There are several properties that are being vetted and if we locate one that will work we will close on the purchase.”

So, in government speak that means “technically we haven’t purchased it but we have an accepted offer and it is proceeding toward closing.”

At the LCHAB meeting on December 13 it was announced that “the property we are interested in will close either Friday the 15th or Monday the 18th of this month.”

Homepage first became aware of the situation through Mike Jipp, the owner of Lincoln City Surf Shop.  Jipp’s business abuts the proposed site. He said he had spoken with Dan Butler of Lincoln City Housing Authority who began telling Jipp about the upgrades that would be needed to make the building suitable for a homeless shelter.

In an email communication Butler wrote, “Hey Mike, Yes, we are moving forward on it. We’ve had a commercial property inspection completed and we will be opening the wall for a door and some exploration as needed.”

When questioned by Lincoln City Homepage how a homeless shelter could be sited in the Taft Village Core Zoning when a shelter previously opened next door (and owned by the author of this story) had been rejected by the Lincoln City city council she responded, “… a few years ago there were significant changes to code to allow for an increase in siting shelters. I imagine the process you went through previously is much different than what is currently allowed. See below for that information:″

HB3395 basically tells local governments (and that means citizens) that they have no say in where homeless shelters can be opened. 

Section 7 reads; “Section 3, chapter 18, Oregon Laws 2021, is amended to read: Sec. 2 (1) A local government shall approve an application for the development or use of land for an emergency shelter (our italics), as defined in [section 2 of the 2021 act], on any property, notwithstanding this chapter or ORS chapter 195…or any statewide land use planning goal, rule of the Land Conservation and Development Commission or local land use regulation, zoning ordinance, regional framework plan, functional plan or comprehensive plan, if the emergency shelter..” and it goes on to list what is required within the shelter and the types of organizations that can operate it.

What is concerning citizens that Homepage asked about this is that there were “no hearings, no notifications to neighbors and another piece of property off the tax roles.”

This property sits kitty corner from a liquor store, across the street from Shuckers Bar and Grill and a few doors south of the mini mart that sells fortified wines and beers.  It is one of the busiest corners in Lincoln City with visibility issues from 48th pl to Hwy 101.  It is also a secondary road to Taft elementary school and Taft 7-12.

This is list of participants from the meeting minutes of November 8.  Homepage was unable to ascertain attendees in yesterday’s meeting.

City of Depoe Bay, Kathy Short, Mayor
City of Depoe Bay, Sandi HollenBeck*
City of Lincoln City, Judy Casper, Council President
City of Newport, Jan Kaplan, Mayor
City of Newport, Cynthia Jacobi, Councilor*
City of Siletz, Susan Trachsel, Council President
City of Toledo, Rod Cross, Mayor
City of Waldport, Dan Cutter, City Manager*
City of Yachats, Catherine Whitten-Carey, Councilor*
Community Services Consortium, Pegge McGuire, Executive Director
Community Services Consortium, Dina Eldridge, Housing Services Manager*
Lincoln County, Claire Hall, Commissioner

This is a developing story.

Don Williams
Don Williams
Don Williams serves as publisher and editor of The Lincoln City Homepage.


  1. What is wrong with the County Commissioners? Why are they so insistent on giving Lincoln City a homeless shelter? They tried this on the North side of Lincoln City and we collected tons of signatures to stop this from happening. Now they want it in the Taft Area. Let’s just make sure everyone homeless can live at the beach rent free!!!’

    • Just a quick note, first thank you for your encouragement and also for commenting. The county commissioners have nothing to do with this, though Commissioner Hall sits on the Lincoln County Homeless Advisory Board (LCHAB) that is in charge of this happening. The greatest tragedy is that the state legislature basically told every city in Oregon that they have little to no say in the placement of shelters.

    • To be honest they don’t want help they just want to do drugs and drink. They shouldn’t be be anywhere near a school, bar, liquor store or anywhere else that sells alcohol. All this is doing enabling them to be non productive part of society. If they want help it’s already there.

  2. Thank Don for your knowledge of what is happening in this City. Why doesn’t the Commissioners Office tell the Residents of Lincoln City what they are doing? What is they are afraid of? Isn’t it illegal not to tell the people this information about their city?

  3. Ok ; So let us then find a suitable & equitable place to produce and facilitate the recovery of our american citizens. Shelter feed & education back into a sustsinable society. Many benefit from such an opportunity.

  4. The “suitable” places for homeless shelters are not near a school or businesses that will be negatively impacted! Also, the shelters don’t belong in small coastal tourist towns that rely on tourist dollars, since that is the main economic benefit in those towns. According to the state & Measure 110, there are places for those interested in taking charge of their lives. They’re called rehabilitation facilities. There should be methods in place where the homeless must participate in their rehabilitation! If they don’t, then all you’re doing is enabling them in their current self-destructive lifestyle.

  5. This had better not happen, I live to close to this area and when they had the homeless shelter at the old fire station across from the auto repay building. We had nothing but trouble with homeless people coming into our private community, leaving messes sleeping on peoples porches, there will be protests for sure. Leaving needles in the street the people that can not be in the shelter because of drug use, just hang out around the area. We don’t have a lot of crime now but you bring the homeless shelter here and we will. The city needs to get there head on, you don’t put homeless people in a high tourist area. What…is the city thinking. There will be law suits.

  6. I can’t believe how judgemental and heartless people have become not to mention ignorant. Everyone is so quick to judge a homeless person without even taking the time to get to know and understand their situation. Not all homeless person is on drugs or fighting an addiction nor are they all thieves. I have a friend who is homeless because not long ago she was in a very bad relationship that was abusive for years and while in the relationship her money went to pay for the bills and food and everyday normal spending. She finally got the courage to leave the abusive bf but cuz the owners liked him she was forced to move out and since then has had a hard time finding a place she can afford. But she says she’s happier on the streets then being hit one more time by her ex. And she has never done drugs or stolen anything so try not being so simple minded and think so negatively about the homeless. One day it might be you and would you want people to look down on you and pass judgement?


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