Friday, March 28, 2025

Lincoln City Budget – Jerry Warner

To the editor:

Here are some of the salary’s listed in the 2018-19 budget, and I am sure as citizens you are going to find the numbers hard to believe.

The average cost for all employees from lifeguard to city manager, salary plus benefits, is $95,667.50.  The total cost of all employees is $13,882,439.

The city manager is proposing an increase for the budget year of $681,631 for salaries and benefits.

Here are some of the salary plus benefit costs for administration and department heads:  City manager $203,158; city attorney $182,212; finance director $167,353; police chief $191,114; public works director $170,510; VCB director $167,355.  For 6 employees this is a total of $1,081,702, or an average for each of these employees of $182,283, with 64% overhead.

The city has 143.48 employees which makes one employee for every 57 citizens in Lincoln City.

The city manager is asking for a 3.9% permanent rate increase for sewer and water.  With a small usage of 700 cubic feet per month, your bill will have increased by 79% since 2006.  The city council has approved rate increases every year for over 10 years.  I have watched city council pass rate increases without any rate studies and without hardly any questions.

We elect people to the city council to represent the citizens in this community, however in my opinion they have failed in their responsibility to the citizens over the last ten years.

Do you make your voice heard?  It is time for change.

Jerry Warner


LCH Reader
LCH Reader
The views and opinions expressed in letters to the editor are not necessarily those of Lincoln City Homepage.



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