Lincoln City Police took a man driving a Penske moving truck into custody after he led multiple law enforcement agencies on a high-speed chase involving more than 10 police cars from Lincoln City to Willamina.
The 30-mile chase ended with the arrest of George Parson, 49, on a bridge in front of the Hampton Lumber Mills on Willamina Creek Road.
“No one was hurt and there were no crashes,” LCPD Sgt. Jeffery Winn said. “We have a person in custody and everyone is OK.”
Chinook Winds Casino Resort security called police after witnessing a suspicious woman going in and out of a Penske truck and asked that the truck be moved, Winn said. Officers made contact with a married couple that had rented the truck and discovered there was a no-contact order in place for the husband from an earlier domestic altercation.
Winn said police tracked down out-of-state warrants from Colorado and New York for the man, but they were not serviceable. Believing they were, the man fled from police at high speeds through Lincoln City and onto Highway 18 headed east, he said.
Police tried to stop the vehicle with spikes and the driver evaded them by entering oncoming lanes. Law enforcement was able to lay spikes across the bridge in front of Hampton Lumber Mills and the driver stopped the truck and was arrested.
Winn said the couple was living out of the truck, which was being rented monthly and was paid up.
Authorities said they used a combination of cell phones, radio and Mobile Data Terminals to coordinate with each other.
Winn said the chase started at NW Jetty and 39th Street, then went north on Highway 101 to West Devils Lake Road, back to Highway 101 and east on Highway 18 past Spirit Mountain Casino and took the new on-ramp to Forthill Road.
The man faces felony eluding, reckless endangering, reckless driving and violation of a protection order. He is being lodged at the Lincoln County Jail.
The woman was not taken into custody or charged.
Three LCPD, four Oregon State Police, two Yamhill Police and a Grand Ronde Tribal Police car were among those involved in the chase after being radioed in for backup, Winn said.
This was LCPD’s fourth pursuit in a month, Winn said.