Monday, March 31, 2025

NLFR Board candidates’ election signs allegedly stolen, vandalized

NLFR Board of Directors

Eight election signs for North Lincoln Fire & Rescue Board of Director hopefuls George Blacketer, Roy Cabal and Dan Stubdgen have been allegedly stolen or vandalized over the last few days.

“I’m just appalled by everything that has happened over the past few weeks, with the Facebook post by interim Chief Robert Dahlman, then the incident with the ladder truck, and now this lawsuit,” Blacketer said. “I’m really concerned about the direction this District is going right now.”

Six signs have been allegedly taken from various locations throughout Lincoln City and Otis since Thursday and two were defaced today with brown spray paint in broad daylight, the men running for the board seats said. The candidates said they paid $358 for 50 signs.

“To top it off, we have our signs stolen and even vandalized?” Blacketer asked. “We have done nothing more than run for an elected position. We have not slandered anybody, insulted anybody, nor have we stooped so low as to dig into anybody’s past in any way. We are trying to run a clean and professional campaign.”

The alleged vandalism occurred on East Devils Lake Road and S. Hill Road in Otis, near Green Acres Beach & Trail Rides. Signs were reported missing from Highway 101 & East Devils Lake Road near Faith Baptist Church, near Coastal Appliance and Mattress Experts (Sears), North Lincoln Fire Rescue Station 1300, and Highway 18 & Old Scenic Highway 101.

Homepage is seeking comment from NLFR regarding the sign situation. 

Justin Werner
Justin Werner
Justin Werner is the founder and editor of the Lincoln City Homepage, a trusted source of local news and information for residents and visitors of Lincoln City, Oregon. He is also a community leader, entrepreneur, and dedicated advocate for transparency and accountability in local government.


  1. Im just curious what would make you think that the vandalism to your signs implies it might have something to do with slander, insults, or digging up ones past? Have you not seen all these bored homeless people around up to no good? Or all the recent break-ins, egg throwing and what have you? Could have maybe had nothing to do with your campaign at all. I would suggest maybe moving your other 44 signs to a monitored location.

  2. If you can’t see the connection to the missing and vandalized signs and the election you have got a huge problem……We will find out who vandalized the signs because there is a camera facing right at them. Pretty sure it won’t show a bored homless person who just happend to be walking around with a can of paint…..

  3. My name is Daniel Stuebgen and I am running for the Lincoln City Fire Dept Board of Directors because it is clear we need a change.

    I am currently classified as an inactive Volunteer after completing the Fire Academy in 2015. I own the new local Feed Store “Happy Trails Feed & Tack” and a Horseback Riding business “Green Acres Beach & Trail Rides” that caters to the tourists in Pacific City as well as manage the Green Acres Equestrian Center property located in Otis, right behind the Outlet Mall on East Devils Lake rd. I am a certified professional Farrier, Hobby Blacksmith and you can meet me every Sunday at the Lincoln City Farmers Market opening this Sunday “Mothers Day !”.

    I was as asked by active volunteers to run for this position, and I felt like this could be a better way to help the department without the commitments that go with staying active as a volunteer.

    All you gotta do is come to 1 meeting a month they said…

    Most of our current board consists of volunteers that truly feel they are helping our community with there service, but they take everything this Interim Chief says at one meeting a month and act without much if any input from any of the first responders and tax payers their decisions affect the most.

    I have been reaching out to both volunteer and paid Firefighters over the past few days in an effort to really understand the issues the department is facing, how it affects them, and find a way to bridge this rift between our paid Firefighters and the Volunteers.

    It is clear that we are in very real jeopardy of losing quality paid and volunteer staff that have been working tirelessly to improve our district. We could be a model for Fire Departments in the State of Oregon with the right leadership however, I believe a rift was created and fostered by the Interim Chief and his poor leadership skills.

    It turns out that really only one of our current Board Members actually reaches out and talks to many of our first responders besides the Interim Chief…

    I pledge to you the voters that I will always talk to the people that get the job done before I show up for a meeting where thousands or millions of our tax dollars get spent and just say “Aye”.

    The issue of my taxes came up recently and I am unsure how, or if it is legal to publish information like that I am looking into it, and for the record…

    I opted to make payments on my 2017 taxes as I am working on refiling because I am confident that I actually overpaid and my small business investments were not accurately considered in my haste to get my taxes done on time.

    I have thick skin… but…

    This feels very invasive personally, even the Interim Chief’s claim that myself and the other 2 candidates “Were not fit for Public Office in any Capacity” while endorsing the existing board, in my opinion really could have been worded better… but…

    I truly lost all faith in the Interim Chief when he ignored the opportunity to apologize to all of us face to face at the last Board meeting. He could have made it all go away with a simple apology but he chose another path. His immediate reaction to Lie and blame a facebook hacker and then actually Blame his wife for hacking his account and writing the post…

    Clearly he did not realize he could be quoted in his conversation with the Lincoln City Home Page.

    The more recent issues of a Lawsuit and the Ladder Truck Disaster make my decision to hold the Interim Chief responsible for his decisions.

    There are 3 seats up for re- election and we communicate constantly and generally share an agenda. We look forward to bringing the remaining board members into the loop so we as Board Members can start to make a real difference in our community.

    That begins with the removal of Interim Chief Rob Dalhman.

    We invite the public to these meetings because honestly very few people get involved. Today 05/08/02019, at 4 pm at the Taft Fire House. Hope to see you there !


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