Monday, March 31, 2025

Vote Russell Baldwin for Judge – Vikki Bartels

russ baldwin

I am endorsing Russ Baldwin, attorney for
Lincoln County Judge this May 15th!  In the 35
years that I have known Russ Baldwin personally,
he has always been polite and respectful towards me.
Those are great attributes for a judge to have.
As my family’s lawyer he maintains a very
professional demeanor, has strong work ethics
as he honors the rule of Law and will go the
distance to resolve legal matters. We need a
judge capable of resolving complex civil
disputes and has the mind that can effectively
bring forth fair and just rulings. Russ Baldwin is a good
listener as he cares about people’s concerns.
I also respect him very much as he is a quality person,
demonstrated by his admission to practice Law in the
United States Supreme Court. Only a handful of
attorneys in Oregon have this professional distinction
as he strives for excellence in his work product and for the
rule of Law being applied fairly for all the people of
Lincoln County.
Lastly, I want the judge I vote for to be able to finish
out their term of office.  I want voters to choose someone
who will be accountable to them as well.  In 3 yrs. when
Judge Branford is forced to retire by Law the governor will
appoint another political appointee versus someone chosen
by the people of Lincoln County.   That matters to me.
I think people should finish what they start as that was
how I was raised.  Please VOTE for a positive change!

Vikki Bartels

Lincoln City, OR

Justin Werner
Justin Werner
Justin Werner is the founder and editor of the Lincoln City Homepage, a trusted source of local news and information for residents and visitors of Lincoln City, Oregon. He is also a community leader, entrepreneur, and dedicated advocate for transparency and accountability in local government.


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