Friday, March 28, 2025

David Elton Letter

It is with great concern I recently heard that our beloved Mayor, Don Williams,
is seriously considering resigning from office due to the zealous and illegal (in my opinion)
actions brought by the embittered city attorney, Richard Appicello. ( )
I have been investigating Richard Appicello for almost four years. In my opinion
he takes quasi-judicial actions and breaks the law almost every week. That sounds
like hyperbole, but if you spend 5 or 10 minutes at a website and read, you will see
that our city of Lincoln has a city attorney that behaves like a spoiled child and a rather
mediocre attorney. Worst of all, he takes actions that are tantamount to what is known
in the legal industry as a “SLAPP”. This is an acronym for;
I recall law school at Stanford when I was 20 years old and the saying was
“Libel is in the bible, “Slander gets up your dander” (Gander?)
With Chester Noreikis calling the mayors veracity into question, we have a veritable
mutiny of dirty and prevaricational politicians plotting the anti-ethical overthrow
of a very good and decent, God fearing man.
With up to 5 lawyers looking at this we are almost ready to bring forth a major action.
I have been very direct at city council meetings where I mention to Mr. Appicello
that I am convinced his actions, in tandem with police chief Keith Kilian, amount
to a breach of trust with the public. (The News Guard and Newport News Times
have BOTH been asleep at the wheel with regard to this important story)
The problem with a breach of trust in a small town is that the public often does not
know at all. If they do know something from a small town newspaper, they are likely
to get the version where the local newspaper,(reliant upon the revenue of the
legal announcements) prints the version most likely to not upset the city manager.
Since the city attorney, Appicello, and the city manager (Ron Chandler) often act as one
cohesive unit, this guaranties that a small town newspaper delivers a news item
that is “scrubbed” clean so as to not diminish or put into peril that revenue source.
This is all rather nerdy and yet it delivers what we all know is currently happening.
Ladies and gentlemen of Lincoln City, welcome to small town politics, 101.
The city attorney of Lincoln City engages in abuse of power and he should resign.
The legal case and those precise arguments will be left to Micah Fargey and David Beal.
Lincoln City needs a “Strong Mayor” form of government, as opposed to “City Manager”.
That is the next step for a beach town with growing pains.
Make sure to visit  and have a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.
David Elton is a resident of Pier 48 where he lives on the beach near TAFT in Lincoln City.
Elton is a former Republican pollster and strategist as well as a speechwriter for lawyers & leaders
Elton operates a bed and breakfast known as “SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION” BnB just south of Inn@Spanish Head
Elton attended Stanford Law School as well as BYU Law School, before deciding to NOT become a lawyer.
Elton owns “ToToJD”, a company that investigates lawyers, judges, police and CEO’s.
Justin Werner
Justin Werner
Justin Werner is the founder and editor of the Lincoln City Homepage, a trusted source of local news and information for residents and visitors of Lincoln City, Oregon. He is also a community leader, entrepreneur, and dedicated advocate for transparency and accountability in local government.


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