Tuesday, March 25, 2025

2018 City of Lincoln City Mayor and Council Election

Lincoln City Election



The Mayor’s position on Council as well as three council seats in wards 1, 2 and 3, have terms that will expire on December 31, 2018. An election for these positions will be on the General Election Ballot for November 6, 2018.


To be eligible to run for Mayor, a person must be 18 years of age, a registered voter, and must have resided in the City as of February 23, 2018.

To be eligible to run for a City Council seat, a person must be 18 years of age, a registered voter, and must have resided within the ward he or she seeks to represent as of February 23, 2018.


For candidates interested in running for a Mayor or Council position must:

  1. First submit the “Filing of Candidacy For Nonpartisan Nomination“(SEL 101) with the City Elections Official, and the official “Petition For Nonpartisan Nomination Signature Sheet” (SEL 121), with top portion completed.


  1. City Elections Official will review and approve the Petition for circulation, and will add the official city identification on both the Petition and signature sheets. You will receive a written approval to circulate the prospective nominating petition.


  1. The candidate then circulates the Petition with signature sheets to obtain a minimum of 25 elector’s signatures from active registered voters in the Ward that he/she is seeking a position in. (You should obtain extra signatures should some signatures be declared invalid.)


  1. The signature sheets then need to be submitted to the City Elections Official by August 21, 2018, 5:00 pm for the signature verification process. You will be notified of the results of the verification of signatures.


  1. The City Elections Official will submit the Declaration of Candidacy to the Lincoln County Clerk prior to 5:00 pm, August 28, 2018.


Contribution and Expenditure filings (if required) must be made with the Secretary of State using their ORESTAR electronic filing system.  The Secretary of State’s office is now the filing officer for all local campaign committees.

This requirement does not apply if you are a candidate who:

  • serves as their own treasurer
  • does not have an existing candidate committee;


  • does not expect to receive or spend more than $750 during a calendar year. (The $750 includes personal funds spent for any campaign-related costs, such as the candidate filing fee.)

Once you receive or spend money toward your campaign, you have three (3) business days to form a Principal Campaign Committee. You must file with the State of Oregon Secretary of State’s Office a completed:

  • SEL 220 Candidate’s Statement of Organization


  • SEL 223 Campaign Account Information. (This filing must be done with the Secretary of State using their electronic filing system called ORESTAR.)

If at any time during a calendar year a candidate exceeds $750 in either contributions or expenditures, the candidate must establish a campaign account and file a candidate committee not later than three business days after exceeding the $750 threshold and either file a Certificate of Limited Contributions and Expenditure (if eligible) or file all transactions not later than seven calendar days after the threshold has been exceeded.  Please refer to the “County, City, and District Candidate Manual” for additional information.


2018 Candidate Elections Calendar

SEL101: Candidate Filing – Major Political Party or Nonpartisan

SEL102: Candidate Signature Sheet – Major Party (must be approved before circulating)

SEL150: Candidate Filing – Withdrawal

SEL220: Statement of Organization for Candidate Committee

SEL221: Statement of Organization for Political Action Committee

SEL222: Statement of Organization for Petition Committee

SEL223: Campaign Account Information

SEL338: Petition Submission – Candidate, Voters’ Pamphlet

County, City and District Candidate’s Manual​​

Candidate “Quick Guide” on Campaign Finance Reporting in Oregon​​

Campaign Finance Manual

PC3: Cash Expenditures and Loan Payments

PC7: Certificate of Limited Contributions and Expenditures

SEL220: Statement of Organization for Candidate Committee

SEL221: Statement of Organization for Political Action Committee

SEL222: Statement of Organization for Petition Committee

SEL223: Campaign Account Information

FOR QUESTIONS, PLEASE CALL Cathy Steere, City Elections Official at 541-996-1203.

Justin Werner
Justin Wernerhttps://wernerhost.com/
Justin Werner is the founder and editor of the Lincoln City Homepage, a trusted source of local news and information for residents and visitors of Lincoln City, Oregon. He is also a community leader, entrepreneur, and dedicated advocate for transparency and accountability in local government.


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