Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Concerns about City Attorney | Jerry Warner

A recent article stated that Lincoln City City Attorney Richard Appicello was keeping a handgun in his desk at city hall. This was extremely concerning. I put in a public records request asking whether he was given written or verbal permission to have a handgun in city hall. The response was no. The article further stated that there is a real concern because of his unpredictable temper. Can anyone with a gun permit bring a gun to city hall?

elks-lodge-Public Works Director Lila Bradley and her husband purchased the Lincoln City Elks Club for $150,000. The city attorney, Appicello, was handling a land exchange of 921 square feet of city property for 921 square feet of the Bradley’s property. The property the city owned is dedicated park property by deed restriction and has a portion of the previous Elks Club addition of a health club building on it. The property the Bradley’s own has been a public right of way for over 50 years and has no value.

Appicello had appraisals done on the two properties for land only. This totally disregarded the fact the city property had a building over it and was park property, which has a lease value. ORS 275.060 states that a land trade must be of equal value. The Lincoln City City Council approved the sale. This was a huge financial benefit to the Bradley’s.

The city attorney has a state bar complaint filed against him, with another being prepared. There may be another claim against him for his treatment of city employees.

The city council has two lawsuits currently because of his legal opinions. Over $78,000 has been spent from city funds for outside legal costs for worthless charges against the mayor.

In my opinion, the city council and city administration has lost its credibility with its citizens.

Jerry Warner

Lincoln City

LCH Reader
LCH Reader
The views and opinions expressed in letters to the editor are not necessarily those of Lincoln City Homepage.


  1. Are there places I can’t carry my handgun concealed?
    Yes. There are several locations in which you cannot carry a firearm, even with a concealed handgun license, including:
    Any federal facility — federal courthouses, social security offices, secured areas of airports, airplanes.
    Posted private property where the owner prohibits firearms possession, and others.
    Many private businesses have conditions regarding the possession of firearms on their premises. If you violate these conditions you could, under certain circumstances, be subject to arrest under Oregon trespass laws, in which case, if convicted, your concealed handgun license would be seized and/or revoked.
    National parks marked or posted with signs prohibiting all firearms.
    Indian reservations or property — you may not carry a firearm concealed without the written permission of the tribal judge; this may also apply to certain casinos on tribal lands.
    Courts — in a courtroom, jury room, judge’s chambers, or adjacent areas that the presiding judge determines should be free of firearms to ensure the safety of litigants, court personnel, witnesses, and others.

    Is the City hall posted against firearms? If not anyone can. As an officer of the court, he might be allowed anyway just like the police. The reason LC can never have nice things is that you guys are always fighting over minutiae. Its a parking lot share it. It allows a new business to operate in the city. Or is a large vacant building going to improve your city? How many empty storefronts Have you got along 101? With 7 miles of oceanfront and the good weather of LC, there should never be one. Start working together and grow.


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