Monday, March 31, 2025

Lincoln City lifts water warning on Schooner Creek, Siletz Bay sewage spill

Siletz Bay (Photo by Justin Werner)

Lincoln City is no longer warning citizens to avoid water contact at Schooner Creek and Siletz bay as fecal coliform levels have dropped to acceptable levels.

Taft Bay

According to a news release from the City of Lincoln City, testing has been ongoing daily since Sept. 21, and Sept. 28-Oct. 4 tests have dropped below the requirements. The City is removing signs put in place warning about contaminated water.

The testing was the result of a 2.1 million gallon sewage spill from a 24-foot pipe that ran under Schooner Creek. The leak was discovered on Friday, Sept. 21, at which time the pipe was taken offline and new 14-inch bypass lines were used. Wastewater flow to the Wastewater Treatment Plant has been running through the new lines since Sept. 21.


Justin Werner
Justin Werner
Justin Werner is the founder and editor of the Lincoln City Homepage, a trusted source of local news and information for residents and visitors of Lincoln City, Oregon. He is also a community leader, entrepreneur, and dedicated advocate for transparency and accountability in local government.



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