Dear Editor,
Russ Baldwin, attorney, who is running for Circuit Judge, Pos. 3, has a passion for fairness and for justice under the law for all of us regular people. He truly cares that people receive fair and just outcomes based in law. In fact, he has been a champion for people going up against deep pockets, special interests or even state agencies and even bad judges when they have violated some one’s Constitutional rights. He is a rare lawyer that protects people even when they can’t go the distance, as his nature is, that he will!
Judge Branford, his opponent has even called Russ Baldwin one smart guy, which I personally heard in open court. He also said he has a brilliant legal mind because Baldwin really knows civil law and court rules, procedures and will persist when he knows that justice has not been served!
My knowing is Russ Baldwin will keep his word as he has true honor and will work very efficiently to clear the civil docket and also take the fear away from going to court or being in front of a judge, like he has done for me. He will be accountable to the voters whereby, most appointed judges rarely are. If he errors in the law, he will reverse himself if need be versus being in denial of his error. This is why people have to appeal, with increased legal costs which can be avoided IF you are keeping up with new laws and are not prone to legal error. The courts exist to create fairness under the Law.
Getting justice should not be a nail biting experience or worse having a judge that plays favorites, but instead, a process of resolution of one’s grievances consistent with Law so people can get back to their lives without further undue financial or emotional injury. There are too many situations where the dockets are backed up for years and then people take matters into their own hands which just worsens their lives and outcomes for all. Receiving justice is why people go to court.
Russ Baldwin still loves the practice of Law even after 30 yrs. and will take time to give findings of facts and conclusions of law, when most judges can’t or don’t take that time or simply are uninformed to past or newer statutes. Upon hearing a whole case for months or even years, I have heard many judges still say they will take it under advisement, instead of being prepared to rule fairly with proper knowledge of the Law speaking directly to the parties. Again that lack of accountability to the people is why people often feel
justice was not served. Of course, being prudent can be required in some cases if facts need to be weighed as part of a ruling. As we all know, when you love something you are usually good at it and Russ Baldwin is really good at knowing the Law which will make him an excellent Judge for the people.
I know that Russ Baldwin would serve as a true public servant as Circuit Judge and would leave his ego out of the court room and not need to abuse his power as I have seen some judges do. That is a violation of their Oath of Office and judges who are not impartial need to go! Service to others as a fair judge is a true calling for Russ Baldwin.
I can say all these things because I know the heart and Spirit of this man. I have known Russ Baldwin for 14 yrs. and more recently have been his P/T legal asst. the last 2 yrs. Russ Baldwin has earned my complete trust as my personal lawyer these last 8 yrs. fighting for me all the way to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals! During this time I have seen a lot of things wrong with our courts at different levels and it really all comes down to this. We need honest, good, smart people who are honorable and fair so that true justice is served. VOTE for the ONE you want to WIN on May 15, 2018. My vote will be for a WIN for the People, I’m voting Russ BaldWIN for Circuit Judge, Pos.3!
Russ Baldwin will become a very beloved Judge by the people of Lincoln County is my knowing.
Pamela Staton, Ph.D.
P.O. Box 757
Yachats, OR 97498
That editorial was written by his girlfriend! Judges do not hold up court cases. The attorneys hold up the court cases with filing appeal after appeal and postponing court dates and ripping off their client for more money! Get real!
Your toxic perception…is YOUR reality. You seem like a complainer and a trouble maker. How is that working for you? Some clients never pay their attorneys and YOU know that to be the absolute truth.
Stop spreading false statements Jan Templeton on behalf of Kent Seida.
Baldwin you are a snake with a split tongue. I like the article online that calls you a cheating loser and lists the bar complaint against you for attempting to collect hourly wages in ethics complaints and you had a glaring conflict of interest that you received a reprimand for. If telling the truth makes you a trouble maker then that’s me. I encourage everyone to check public records of your court cases.
Apart from the platforms espoused by both candidates, a perhaps more important indicator of their fitness for the job can be ascertained from performance records. So the question to the LCH Reader and its readership is where interested citizens can go to review various aspects of the candidates’ personal and professional conduct and performance. Is there something equivalent to a judicial review board or bar association records that could be accessed by the general public?
Dr. Staton, could we see your doctoral dissertation?
No? Didn’t think so.