Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Citizens get some answers, but Warming Shelter’s rezone request denied

Lincoln City Council Highlights

UPDATED: Changed Diana Hinton to Susan Wahlke in #4.

Lincoln City, OR – At Monday’s city council meeting Lincoln City resident John Forse was given some good news about the permitting process for special events. Patrick Alexander from the Lincoln City Warming Shelter appeals to council to have the Taft Village Core (TVC) zone changed. The new police station budget was approved for $10.5 million after an $11.6 million ask was shot down. Ross Smith’s two lawsuits against the city were voted 3-2 to be settled. And the city attorney attempted to remove the public comments portion at the end of council meetings.

  1. Warming Shelter president requests rezoning be approved (Alexander)

Based on City Attorney Richard Appicello’s recommendation, council denied the Warming Shelter’s request to rezone the Taft Village Core (TVC) to permit emergency shelters as a conditional use.


  1. Special Events permits required for Nelscott Reef surfing events (Forse)

City Manager Ron Chandler informed John Forse, owner of the Nelscott Reef Big Wave Classic, that the city held its meeting and had already informed the event organizers for the rival contest, the Nelscott Reef Big Wave Pro-Am, that they needed a permit to have a competition. When asked by Mayor Don Williams if he had told Forse about the city’s decision, Chandler said “Apparently not.”

Chandler also said that law enforcement would investigate any past violations of the special events permit.


  1. Concerns raised regarding City Manager Ron Chandler (Speers)

A private meeting was held between Justin & April Speers and Chandler. During the meeting Speers alleged Chandler berated him, raised his voice, and interrupted him during the entire meeting.


  1. New police station $10.5 million budget approved, after $11.6 ask fails

After a presentation by Police Chief Kilian, Councilor Susan Wahlke moved to spend $11.6 million for the new police station. The vote failed 2-4. Immediately after that vote, Councilor Dick Anderson moved to spend $10.5 million, which passed 4-2. Hinton, who voted against the lesser amount, said “it’s not enough.”


  1.  Suspend activities for alcohol and other intoxicant sales during an emergency

Councilor Susan Wahlke questioned #15 in the Authorized Emergency Orders and asked if cannabis should be included. The council discussed whether or not to add cannabis to the list of items to suspend sales during an emergency and ultimately decided to include the language as “Other Intoxicants.”

Chandler spoke about the aftermath of an emergency pointing out he would want first responders to not have to deal with intoxicated victims.


  1. Attorney opens discussion about removal of public comment from meetings

Appicello says it was suggested for discussion that council remove public comment at the end of meetings. Appicello said it was also suggested that council have two separate meetings, one for business, and one for the public so they could address any grievances with their elected officials. Mayor Williams spoke out against it with Anderson moving immediately to restore “Paragraph M” which would have excluded the public from the second public comment spot on the agenda.

“I don’t think once you create a public forum you can get rid of it, but I think you could substitute something that you felt was equivalent.” – Richard Appicello


  1. Smith vs. Lincoln City lawsuits [Executive Session] – move to execute

Council narrowly voted to settle the two lawsuits Ross Smith filed, with Councilor Judy Casper and Hinton voting nay. The motion to execute passed 3-2. Details of the settlement are unknown at this time but there was mention of a performance on the 26th that may be the public apology Smith was asking for in previous settlement negotiations.

Justin Werner
Justin Werner
Justin Werner is the founder and editor of the Lincoln City Homepage, a trusted source of local news and information for residents and visitors of Lincoln City, Oregon. He is also a community leader, entrepreneur, and dedicated advocate for transparency and accountability in local government.


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